Under Blogstruction…

Hello, and welcome to the Headway version of the BobSongs Blog.

You will notice that things are moved, colours are changed… Everything is just a little different !!!

In order to better integrate my BobSongs website… http://www.BobSongs.com with this Blog, I felt it was time for a spring clean/make-over.

I have heard excellent things about the Headway Theme for WordPress, and I have to say, just an hour in, I’m loving it !

Foolishly, I’ve started doing this during a busy time… but I was eager to jump in !

So I hope you will bear with me, it will probably be a few days before I write any new Posts, and I’ll be trying to get the Blog “up to snuff” as soon as I can.

In the meantime, please do take a look through the archives, and check out the Post below, for some great Tweeps to follow on Twitter !

Happy Easter !!!

Good Friday #FollowFriday…

Hi –

Because it is a Holiday today, I, of course, woke up waaaay stupid early.

I thought that, rather than doing the Twitter #FF or #FollowFriday list, the traditional way, I would document my suggestions this week, in an expanded form… more than 140 Characters that Twitter usually allows.


@OwenGreaves – Owen Greaves is a smart, cutting edge fellow who talks about Business and Technology.  Forward thinker.  (Abbotsford)

@gmarkham – Mark Hamilton is a journalism prof at Kwantlen, and usually in the middle of smart debates.  (Vancouver)

@AnthonyFloyd – Anthony Floyd is a whip smart Tweep that is usually one of the first on top of information and stories. (Vancouver)

@RealReporter – Salim Jiwa goes not for fluff, but for the harder stories… and has brought them to us, on many platforms, for years.  (Vancouver)

@LisaSawyer317 – Lisa Sawyer knows a lot of good people, and adds a lot of great energy and inspiration on Twitter.  (Maine)

@AureliaCotta – Plugged into Eastern Canadian Politics & issues.  (Toronto)

@JimBobbySez – Expressing loudly, the federal Liberal viewpoint.  (Nanticoke)

@StevestonSocial Kana is a great-hearted photographer, animal-lover and networker.  (Richmond)

@PeteQuily – Pete Quily delves into social media, politics and technology.  (Vancouver)

@TerryMcBride – Terry McBride is the Nettwerk Music Boss, and music industry maverick.  He is changing the business model of the Music Industry.  (Vancouver)

@RickHansenFdn – The Rick Hansen Foundation continues, 25 years on, to work on awareness of accessibility issues and Spinal Cord Injuries. (Vancouver)

@RickRake – Rick Rake is a retired print journalist from Abbotsford, who is busier than ever.  (Abbotsford)

@lacouvee – Janis Lacouvee is a scotch-drinking, arts-loving maven, who will shave her head to help people.  (Victoria)

@BuzzBishop – Broadcaster, dad and social media guy, formerly from Vancouver.  (Calgary)

@mashable – Pete Cashmore is a  Social Media and Trend guru.  (Scotland)

@Miss604 – Rebecca Bollwitt is plugged into what goes on, in Vancouver and the region.  (Vancouver)

@GlendaWH – Glenda Watson Hyatt lives with Cerebral Palsy, and reminds us about making the web and everyday life accessible.  (New Westminster)

@FredShadian – Fred Shadian is a guy taking on a different goal every year, and inspiring people every step of the way.  (North Vancouver)

@Kim23Supernova – Kim Woods is a lady trying to get her goals in life done early, so she can enjoy the ride !  (Toronto & Sarasota)

@SRobinsmith – Stacey Robinsmith – One of his many business cards says Political Junkie.  Also a fighter for the underdogs.  (Vancouver)

@CarolBrowne – Carol Brown is a wackycrafter, zany photographer, cat mom and pin collector.  (Vancouver)

@RoyAtkinson – Roy Atkinson is a renaissance man who throws out one LOL groaner, every day.  (Maine)

@BillyHost – Affordable and great-quality webhost and tech support in the Fraser Valley.  (Abbotsford)

@kk – Kris Krug is a self-described… “techartist, quasi-sage, cyberpunk anti-hero from the future”.  (Vancouver)

@DanGoodchild – Daniel Goodchild is another political junkie and techno guy.  (Niagara Falls)

@StacieBee – Heart on sleeve wearer.  (Vancouver)

@BarackObama – Inspiring change and making it happen, despite the doubters & the economy.  (Washington, DC)

@DavidSuzuki – David Suzuki’s bot, feeding nuggets from his various ventures and observations.  (Vancouver)

@craigkielburger – Craig Kielburger helped found Free the Children.  (Global)


These folks are not necessarily the Tweeps that I Tweet with the most, and I have not included any family or “friends.”

I have met a few of these Tweeps, I would like to meet them all, and have a Tea or a Scotch.

By including them, and NOT others, I mean no slight… it is just what I could come up with at 4:30 in the morning.

Follow them, go ye forth, and conquer the world.

The Voyeurs Guide To Things That Happen When I’m Away…

In December, I left my old job, and decided to start on a new and different career path.

I was having some issues with my hand, and so January was given over to hand surgery and the recovery, afterwards.

February was the Torch Relay, the Olympics and early March the Paralympics.

Because I had many things going on, and a supportive wife, I was able to take a bit of a holiday/rest/recuperation period.

When I was working, my wife and I would usually leave together in the morning, I would drop her at the train station, and would continue on to work.  On the way home from work, I would pick her up from the train station, and come home.  We were usually gone from 6:30 in the morning, until 5:45 at night.  We missed, most of the daytime activities in our neighbourhood.

While I have been home, there are many things I have learned about the neighbourhood we live in… that I had not learned in the previous 10 years.

School kids obviously have different hours, than when I was a kid.  Most of the schools seem to let the kids out at 2;30 or 2:45, depending on the age of the kids.

A younger child in our neighbourhood has a battery-powered ride-in car, that he LOVES.  They have obviously solved the battery life issue, because he rides it… ALL… DAY… LONG.  : )

If the Mail Carrier has a package for us, they do not check if folks are home… I guess because usually we aren’t.

Basketball (very popular when we moved in 10 years ago) has been replaced by Skateboards, in the hearts of neighbourhood children.

Some folks REALLY love their pressure washers.

I do not intend to sound dismissive or mean.

These are just some observations I have made while at home.

As I am spening more time at home, I’m sure that my neighbours are learning things about me, as well.

(I have NO IDEA what they would learn about me… but if any of them have blogs, I’ll forward the links!!!)

I have, however, learned things about my life.

My cats have NO concept of time, and any time I leave, and then return home – they come running, as they believe it is dinner time.  EVERY single time !!!

They also like to stretch out on the heated tile floor of my wife’s bathroom, and have their tummies scritched.


And this is where I hesitate.

My Blog has never been about gossip.

It is about the things I do, what I experience, and things I perceive to be factual.

Because I have been home more, and stopping to smell the flowers, I have been seeing things, previously unnoticed.

Most of what I have addressed above, comes under the broad heading of observations.

None of it is rude… None of it is particularly personal… and I have NEVER delved into the world of “peeping-through-blinds” voyeurism.

However, the other day, I came across a sight so unnatural… so… WRONG… that I could not help but to stop and stare.

I could not tear my gaze away from the couple, sharing their affection before me.

They were undeterred, and stared brazenly back.

By chance, I had my camera in my hand, and I raised it, questioningly… because I knew the world would question both my sanity and my veracity, if I did not have proof.

I took the steadfast stare as acquiescence.

I’m not sure if this was their first liaison… or if this has been on for some time.

Honestly, it is probably better that I don’t know.

One question answered only brings tumbling forth a hundred more, unanswered.

I was too disturbed at first to speak of it… but afterwards, I began to wonder if it is only my age, that makes me judge this as wrong ?

I believe myself to be a loving, open-minded liberal… and with that openness, I share with you my latest neighbourhood discovery.What Happens in Pitt Meadows, Stays in Pitt Meadows - BobBlahBlah.com

Maybe it’s best…  What happens in Pitt Meadows… STAYS in Pitt Meadows !!!




My Toughest Day Is Nothing By Comparison…

I think we all do it.

Sometimes, from where we stand, life seems to be sloping up hill.  In all directions.

In the mist above our heads, we can see the ground continuing up, even as it disappears from sight.

And that is fine… I think we all know that without the depth of the valleys, the exultations at the peak, might not taste so sweet.

I, for one, would not like to live a life, reflected as a prairie landscape.  Flat, and seemingly without end… feature… or relief.

I am a lucky man.

I have a wonderful wife… great family and friends… a beautiful home in a nice community. 

Not a lot to complain about.


I feel like I’ve been at the bottom of a valley, and have been looking for a way up, for a while now.

I’m getting frustrated at my lack of progress.

Not for lack of trying… but I just haven’t found the way, yet.

So, I found myself, sitting at my computer, catching up on a week’s worth of “I’ll get to that soon” correspondence.

And I came across this video.


I’ve seen it before, and have heard a lot about the story.

It shook me out of my “poor me” doldrums… and gave me a fresh look at my surroundings.

As I look out the window, the tree above my new deck is about to burst into bloom.  There is a beautiful bird, making a crazy loud chirping.  I think possibly he’s goading one of my cats, who is probably sitting in another window.  I am heading out shortly to meet some new friends for Tea.

The bottom of the valley has it’s own beauty, that I should take in and enjoy… while I am on my journey to the next peak.

Carlson Media – Video of #3TYVR

Carlson Media - BobBlahBlah.com

Justin Carlson of Carlson Media filmed the Third Tuesday Meetup of March 23rd.

(Yes, it was actually the fourth Tuesday… but whatever…)

Social Media and the Future of Citizen Journalism – (update: May 16, 2014 seems the video was taken down)

It is an 80 something minutes long film, and PROBABLY not good to load on your phone.

This is the discussion that caused the 3 am posting about the “J” word…

(…and for young children, the F and S word, are also accounted for, here.)

#3TYVR Meetup – Social Media & The 2010 Olympic Games… Unaccredited Bob’s Fear of the “J” Word…

I came home last night from the Vancouver Meetup of Third Tuesday.Third Tuesday Vancouver - BobBlahBlah.com

The subject was Social Media and the 2010 Olympics:  The Future of Citizen Journalism.

I had been to tweetups before, but never one from this group, or one as large… (150 people RSVP’d)

It was held at the Vancouver Pub Ceilis.

The questions posed, were ones that had not occurred to me… because I had not believed I was Media.  I did not apply for credentials, because I felt my reporting held no weight, and that I had no journalistic background to fall back on. (I have to believe that just because my father worked for the BBC, CKWX and the CBC… I did not inherit a typewriter and fedora as a birth right.)

However, I DID report on events at, and surrounding the Games.

Some of my pieces had an Editorial Slant.

I do not get “paid” for any posts I have put on my Blog, and I do not receive, expect or accept any “freebies”.

When I write a review of a Tea Shop, an Art Opening or a Restaurant… I pay for what I receive, and try to make notes and take pictures surreptitiously, so as not to draw attention to myself, or garner exceptional service.

Yes, I had an ad on my Blog, selling the “Beyond Blogging” book… but I bought the book myself, before I was offered the opportunity to sell it, as an affiliate.

My niece is enrolled in the Journalism Program at Kwantlen.  I have a number of friends who are “accredited” media, and report on events, varying from the Provincial budget to missing children.

But I hadn’t EVER thought of myself, as Media.

I guess that I have to accept that, as we saw at the 2010 Games, Social Media IS having an effect on mainstream Media… and I am a very small part of that.

It was mentioned that CTV wasn’t going to broadcast the Paralympic Opening Ceremony on the night it happened… until Social Media caught wind, and applied pressure, and CTV changed their plans. (In BC, at least.)

I guess that is part of the larger question…  but the rules are being made up, as we go along.

I know that when I write something, I take responsibility for it, and believe everything I write, to be factual, and correct.  I stand behind what I say, and have taken “heat” for voicing my opinions on, amongst other things, Parliament being summarily prorogued.

The opinions on my Blog, are expressly my own, and although I don’t say that anywhere, I believe it is implied in the tagline:  A brief and terrifying journey through the mind, music and musings of Bob Gray.

True North Media House - Media Accreditation - BobBlahBlah.comAt Third Tuesday, we were invited to apply for accreditation to True North Media House, which, according to their website is:

A media collaboration campaign to encourage social coverage of major events, highlight emerging media and provide a venue for discussing the increasing use of social media in society, particularly at events of global importance like the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver Canada.

I believe that Media is changing.  Social Media is causing Mainstream Media to adapt and evolve.  The way that we receive our news, and the sources of that news, are changing.  The face of Media itself, is evolving.

I embrace that change, and welcome the evolution towards a grass roots Media, from what seemed to be a few massive News conglomerates, with vested interests.

However, I don’t know that I am prepared to call myself a Citizen Journalist… even though, by participating in Social Media, we all are becoming that.

I guess I’ve got some evolving of my own to do !!!