Tim Horton’s Camp Day

Tim Horton’s Coffee
Hard to believe another year has flown by, and this Wednesday, June 5th is Tim Horton’s Camp Day 2013!!!
(The one day of the year when I *ALWAYS* switch from tea to coffee !!!)
This Wednesday, head to your local participating Tim Horton’s and buy a coffee to support sending kids to Tim Horton’s Camps. (And check out the fun and different fundraising ideas the individual franchises have come up with, to raise money for this extra special day !!!
If you don’t drink coffee, or would prefer to make your donation online, you can support Camp Day, here: https://www.timhortons.com/ca/en/social/childrens-foundation.php
Here are some details about Camp Day, from the Tim Horton’s website:
What One Cup of Coffee Can Do
Every time a guest buys a coffee at Tim Hortons on Camp Day they will help send more than 16,000 kids – who could otherwise not afford it – on the camping adventure of a lifetime. All children who attend one of the Foundation’s six camps are selected from within the communities where Tim Hortons Restaurants are located. Tim Hortons Restaurant Owners work closely with local youth organizations and schools to select children, between the ages of nine and 12, to attend a 10-day summer camp session or seven day winter camp session.
“It’s overwhelming each year see how our guests come together support Foundation,” says Bill Moir, President, Tim Horton Children’s Foundation. ” On Camp Day, buying cup of coffee and participating the many activities helps contribute to positive change in child’s life. And that’s a good feeling.”
So… hope to see you at the local Tim Horton’s, this Wednesday !!!
(And on Twitter, using the hashtag #CampDay)