Removing The Stigma From Mental Health Issues

I have suffered from depression.

I was one of the lucky ones… I was able to get help, and with support… came out the other side.

Some are not so lucky.

May 27th, 1993 was the first time I lost someone I knew to suicide.

Her name was Cheryl, and she worked with me.

This week, a friend lost his son to those same demons.

A lot of us have fought the battle.

The internal voices are very loud, and the concern of “anyone finding out” is always there.

The stigma.

The thought that “I’m MORE flawed, than everyone else.”

We’re ALL flawed.

By our very nature… we are HUMAN.

But each of us carries the burden that OUR journey is unique, that we are the only ones who have ever trodden the path we are on, that we are having a singularly unique experience, where no one has previously trodden.

Nonsense !!!

Everyone is just afraid to talk about it.

Screw the stigma…

I’ve had depression, and it sucked… and I hope it doesn’t come back… but if it does, I have the support of my family and friends… and together we will get through it.

You are NOT alone…

Here is a song I wrote about eating disorders, which can also be applied to the stigma of Mental Health Issues.


  1. Marianna on March 26, 2012 at 7:06 pm

    Hi Bob,
    My condolences to you and those who have lost loved ones.

    Thank you for writing such a supportive song – it truly does come from your heart.

    Do you also find that in addition to the support of your friends and family, that your music helps you heal?

  2. BG on March 28, 2012 at 5:33 am

    Marianna –
    Thank you for your kind comments.
    I believe music has amazing healing powers, and can take us away from ourselves and our problems… giving us respite.
    However, having said that, when I was suffering from my depression, I was able to enjoy playing music, but did not write anything of my own for almost four years.
    Finding my writing “voice” again, also helped me greatly to get back to where I wanted to be.

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