Prorogues Gallery…

I’m not sure what I thought I was going to write about on my Blog.

When I started it, I thought maybe it would be a way for me to “stretch” the writing muscle that had lain dormant for too many seasons, and give it a bit of a run !

As you can tell, the postings have been… eclectic, and far from serious, but today’s events change that, for today, Canada’s Parliament was Prorogued (suspended) until March 3rd.

This appears to have been done at a time in the news cycle when News Media are focused on Holiday Events, Team Canada annoucements, and Year End List compilation.

I was raised in a Household where politics were discussed, and my Dad and his colleagues from CBC Radio would embrace discussion of different points of view, and as my Dad worked the “Victoria beat” for many years, would often have discussions with members of different political parties, and then differences would be put aside, and a dram or two would be had.

Today, I questioned the timing and reason for the Prorogue on Twitter, and I was replied to by someone whom I neither follow, nor know… and called, amongst other things, a “Liberal Spinner” and a “Harper-Hating Dog” !

Apart from the fact that I am more of a Cat Guy… I think it is sad that questioning the actions of a politician, after that individual does something that seems to be extraordinary in nature, gets someone I don’t know, riled up enough, to the point where he calls me names ?!?

I’m not sure, in the age of Blogs and Social Media, where someone like me fits in.  I still believe in the Golden Rule: “Treat others, as you would like to be treated”

I extend someone I don’t know, the same courtesy, that I give to someone I am friendly with.  This includes Business People, and the folks on the other end of Twitter.

Just because someone doesn’t know me, they can afford to insult me ?  Sounds like Anti-Social Media, to me.

But, I digress…

And, on that note, I shall probably also transgress, because I am now going to Post the e-mail I sent to Her Excellency, the Governor-General of Canada, today… (and I’m not sure if etiquette permits that… but I wrote it, and I stand behind it !!!

And so, My Blog becomes a politically-charged target, for all things mud !

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D.
Governor General of Canada
Rideau Hall
1 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A1


As a Canadian, I am deeply concerned by two events, which appear to have occurred today.

The first is that our Prime Minister apparently has made a request to Prorogue Parliament.

The second event, is actually the confluence of a number of events, ranging from the sad loss of five Canadians in Afghanistan, a car-jacking of some Hollywood Actors’ car in Vancouver, to the naming of the Hockey Players on our Olympic Team.

The second has impacted the first, so much, that there has been no discernable News coverage of the Prorogue.

I would suggest that in this time of uncertainty, where Countries are just beginning to see a glimmering of hope in the mists of our future… and we are already coming off an extended break for the Holiday Season… that this is an unfortunate choice of timing, and uncertain times demand strong, not absent, leadership.

As a Canadian, I am saddened by the loss of our Canadian Soldiers and a Canadian Journalist, although I believe that Canada should help, when oppression rears its head.

I am also saddened that, on this day, gamesmanship seems to have replaced ethics, and hard work and persistence have given way to time off and disinterest.

In the last 15 years, I have voted for Conservative, Liberal, NDP, Reform and Independent candidates.  I have never held any affiliation with any political party.  As each election arrives, I decide which Candidate will best represent me, and my Riding, and I don’t care what Party they represent… I want to know how they, as an individual will represent me.  Yes, I am that naive.  I am also foolish enough to believe that Leaders should lead, and when they grow tired of leading, should stand to the side, for another to take their place.  Just because they are the leader, they do not get to call the journey off…  whether they get scared, or are uncertain, or have doubts.  They will have moments of pause, certainly, but by the nature of the Title… a Leader must lead.

I feel that this Prorogue is an extreme dis-service to the Citizens of Canada… and serves, from what I can see, no purpose, other than to prevent business from being done in the House of Commons, where questions can be asked, and answers given.

There is a Driving School, called Young Drivers of Canada… which teaches young drivers to always ensure that there is a gap beside them, in case they suddenly have to veer, when cut off.  I believe that Canadian Politics should not be run by the “Young Drivers of Canada Brake & Avoid” system.

Best wishes to you, and your family, for a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Most sincerely,

Bob Gray


  1. Tricia on December 31, 2009 at 9:51 am

    It is always touted that one of the most important things that Canada and the U.S. stand for is “Freedom of Speech.” But it appears that, when views differ, there is an increasing tendency to personally attack the writer who questions what is happening. I think this tendency actually diminishes our freedom of speech. It is troubling to me that someone would attack you personally just because they disagree with you. Where have the tolerance and the debate gone? We SHOULD be questioning what is happening in Ottawa.

  2. Heather Crosthwaite on December 31, 2009 at 2:49 pm

    Right On!

  3. darlene reppenhagen on February 7, 2010 at 3:40 pm

    right on, I love the reference to Young drivers of Canada!

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