Projects Around The House…
Every now and then, something gets hold of me, and I have to “do” stuff.
Not that I’m not usually busy… but when the spirit takes me, I have to do something physically, or literally acting, as opposed to online “work.”
This is why the Posts have been a bit sparse, the last while.
Not sure what got hold of me, but I’ve installed the railing on the deck stairs, and put the facade on the deck planter stands… (after recently completing the Rain Chain)
…Cleaned out the garage, (including the incredibly tedious job of sorting all the jars of screws, nails and odd bits and bobs, from the last 10 years of projects) and built a custom built in bookcase in the basement…
These projects, combined with a Broken Blackberry screen…
… have conspired to keep me busy, and off-line for quite a few days in a row !
Whew !!!
I’m not sure where these bursts come from… probably the habit I had of going down and working on finishing the basement. Which, now that it is nearly done, I kinda miss !!!
I think I’ve worn out that “project” need, for a while, and can get back to writing and Tweeting more regularly !!!
Cheers !