Pitt Meadows 2011 Municipal Election
For anyone not aware, I am a political geek.
Not to the point of crafting policy, but I like to be aware and informed, and as there is a Municipal Election on November 19th, I have been looking over the candidate options, their communications and their various approaches to getting elected.
I am also a Social Media geek. I find it interesting to see how some municipal candidates had already embraced this, some are doing the Young Drivers of Canada “brake and avoid” and a few rushing to embrace it.
As I review the information I gathered at the All Candidates Meeting, it seems that there is more of a focus on quality of character, over substantively addressing the issues.
(Although, in the process of hearing the candidates speak, I was able to identify several candidates that would NEVER receive my votes… for a variety of reasons.)
Looking at the literature I brought home from the ACM, I thought I would compile a list (as best as I can) of the different sources to get information from the candidates… (Other than newspaper interviews, which are always interesting, and Shaw Cable interviews, which air on Sunday Nov 13th at 4 pm)
Pitt Meadows Mayor Candidates | ||||
Name | FB | website | ||
John Becker | john@johnbecker.ca | @EJohnBecker | FB | www.johnbecker.ca |
Gary Paller | garypallerformayor@gmail.com | x | x | www.garypallerformayor.com |
Deb Walters | debwalters@live.ca | x | x | www.debwalters.ca |
Pitt Meadows Council Candidates | ||||
Name | FB | website | ||
Bruce Bell | bbell@pittmeadows.bc.ca | x | x | x |
Doug Bing | doug@dougbing.ca | @DouglasBing | FB | www.dougbing.ca |
John Clancy | jbclancy@hotmail.com | x | FB | x |
George Coghlan | gcoghlan@shaw.ca | x | FB | x |
Gay Conn | gayc@shaw.ca | x | x | www.gayconn.com |
Janis Elkerton | jelkerton@shaw.ca | x | x | x |
Michael Hayes | michael@mhayes.ca | x | FB | x |
Rick Kreklewetz | rkrek@shaw.ca | x | x | x |
Tracy Miyashita | tracymiyashita@yahoo.ca | x | x | x |
David Murray | tigerdave@shaw.ca | x | x | x |
Gwen O’Connell | paulandgwen@telus.net | x | x | x |
Charm Prophet | charm.prophet@gmail.com | x | FB | www.charmprophet.ca |
Mike Stark | mdstark2@shaw.ca | x | x | x |
Please research your choices and VOTE on November 19th
Pitt Meadows Voter Information & Voting Locations
* Please note that every effort was made to find links, webpages and such. If any errors or omissions are discovered, please email Bob !!! (E&OE)
Here is a video, shot by the Pitt Meadows Community Association, at the Pitt Meadows All Candidates Meeting at South Bonson Community Centre, on November 7th.
I did my research, and made my choices, which I debated listing differently, but I don’t believe my endorsement would carry any weight… nor should it. A few of the candidates I voted for (at the early poll) may not have the name recognition, and as such, they may not get elected… but in my opinion, they are the best candidates. Researching the choices are important, because these people will manage our community for the next few years, and make decisions and choices that will affect our taxes, our communities’ resources, amenities and infrastructure, and the direction our community takes, moving forward.