Protests And Making Change

Protests and creating awareness can take a lot of different forms.

From the “Occupy” folk, who physically place themselves into a place to draw attention… to changing an everyday item to reach and create a grassroots awareness.

Neither is “better”, each is effective in its own way.

Last night I came across a very subtle way of drawing attention to an issue.

A way of LITERALLY making change.

Protest - No Tankers - Loonie - BobBlahBlah.comIt seems someone took a bunch of loonies, and silk-screened an oil slick over the loon and water, displaying a link to the Dogwood Initiatives’ Online Petition –

They were sparkly shiny loonies, as the cashier had just broken open a new roll of coins.

I thought it was a very clever, well conceived and well executed concept.

It was, in a word… Slick!







This morning, I had a flashback to my Elementary School days. I never particularly cared for school, as I was a shy, unathletic, short, scrawny glasses-wearing kid, and until my teens, when I started doing Judo, and working a job, was one of the skinniest rail-thin young boys.

But, while watching The Rosie Show this morning, hearing Kathy Griffin talk about being bullied in school, I suddenly remembered my own ugly memory from my school days, that I had blocked out, and completely forgotten.

Bob Gray with Mum & Dad - The Old Days - BobBlahBlah.comI can’t remember if it was the end of Grade One or early in Grade Two… but I was old enough to walk to school on my own.  (There was a major road and a set of train tracks that didn’t have stop lights, that had to be crossed, between my Parent’s house, and the School.) An older boy in Grade Six, suddenly started harassing me on my way to and from school. As my best friend had, the summer before, moved away, I was suddenly walking to school on my own… and encountering a bully.

He didn’t want my lunch. He didn’t want me to do his homework. I had nothing he wanted… other than the power I gave him, when his towering, imposing presence, blocked my way and caused me to cringe and draw back in fear.  He wanted to enjoy and exploit my fear.

After a week or so, of his attention, before and after school, I was a wreck. I feigned illness, and pulled it off for one day. But, on the second day… my Mum called me on it, and asked me what was REALLY going on.  It took a while, but she eventually drew out of me what had been going on, and why I didn’t want to go to school any more.  By this time, it was mid morning, and I was well and truly wrung out.  She could see that I was exhausted, after talking about it, and I now remember her tucking me back into bed, and falling immediately asleep.  When I woke up a few hours later, I buried my concern by diving into a book.  My Mum didn’t talk to me about the bullying, any further, when she brought me a sandwich for lunch… and I was happy to avoid dealing with the real world, by immersing myself in the inventive and problem-solving world of Tom Swift.

Later that afternoon, before my Dad came home, my Mum came into my bedroom, and sat down on my bed. She had gone to the school, had confronted the boy, and he wouldn’t be bothering me any more.  She said he had made up a story about me beating up his brother, and that he was doing it to teach me a lesson… (My mother was well aware that I was the smallest child in the class, smaller than all the boys and most of the girls, and physically unable to beat up anyone) … but she, perhaps to protect my ego, asked me if  there was any truth to his story, and I assured her there was not.

My Mum was a thin, short woman… I have no doubt much shorter than the bully.  I have no idea how she found him, and I never asked her… I just took her at her word, and she was right.  He never did bother me again, and in Elementary or High School, I never had to face another bully.

I was lucky.  I confided in an adult, the situation got resolved… pretty quickly.

We are coming up on Pink Shirt Day – (February, 29, 2012) – A day of awareness about Bullying – whether it takes place in schools, workplaces, in our homes or online.

Something that seems huge and appears to be an insurmountable problem can, frequently, with the benefit of a little time and perspective, be approached differently.  But you can often only gain that perspective by talking to someone… preferably someone older.

Like the bullying campaign says: It gets better.

But for it to get better, we ALL have to talk about it… and be as strong for those being bullied, as my Mum was for me.

Face down the Bullies, and talk about it.

(Here is the Rick Mercer Rant, talking about Gay Teens being bullied)

Christmas Light Displays

I meant to write this post last year, and ran out of time… so for a year, a scrap of paper with scribbled addresses has had a prominent spot on my magnetic board.

Tonight was a beautiful night, so Lorie and I drove around to confirm the houses were still showing the outstanding displays that we saw last year.

MANY houses and neighbourhoods have lovely displays.  I am proud of our Morningside neighbourhood. (Springdale Drive in Pitt Meadows) but there are no houses that are EXTRAORDINARY !!!

Here are the houses that Lorie and I have come across, in Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge, that have AMAZING Christmas light displays.

(And if you find others, PLEASE let me know !!!)

Pitt Meadows

    •  11749 192A Street, Pitt Meadows, BC

Maple Ridge

  • 12147 – 201 Street, Maple Ridge
  • 20298 Lindsay Avenue, Maple Ridge
  • 12266 – 203 Street, Maple Ridge
  • 21456 – 122 Avenue, Maple Ridge
And for a grand finale…
  • 21614 – 122 Avenue, Maple Ridge

Hopefully this can help folks enjoy the Holiday Season !!!

Merry Christmas, everyone !

PS A suggestion from a reader, named Steve:

  • 11940 Hood Street, Maple Ridge

Friends In Need Food Bank In Maple Ridge

Last week, along with a group of volunteers from the PMMR Liberal team, I went to the Friends In Need Food Bank, in Maple Ridge.

We were asked to come in at 10 am, and as we were hectic in the back, I didn’t get much chance to see the clients.

In the back, the 15 or so folks already at work, were all about getting the job done, and all the while having fun.

Friends In Need - Food Bank in Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows - BobBlahBlah.comThe six of us were split into helping  with different teams… some working on assembling Seasonal packages… some assembling women’s healthcare packages, and several of us sorting through the cans and foodstuffs that had been donated the previous day.

Then a small schoolbus pulled up to the back door, and the shouts of “DONATION… DONATION…” rang through the back warehouse.

Maple Ridge Secondary School had been accumulating food, in a massive food drive, which  culminated in a bunch of students raising awareness and non-perishable food, in front of the local SuperStore.  I opened the back door of the truck, to find it was full to the roof.  As with every donation of food,  every item gets weighed.  An hour or so later, we found that the kids and teachers at MRSS had raised over 4500 pounds of food for the food bank, which was a BIG donation.

After unloading the food, it gets processed and then sorted into different categories… Meal in a tin… soup… vegetables… beans… fruit… etc.  There were four or five of us working through the huge mountains of boxes, and another similar-sized team working on another donation that had come in from a Corporate sponsor.  In the background a small radio was playing pop hits as background noise, and nobody was paying any attention, and suddenly a song caught my attention and suddenly tears were running down my face.

Nickelback’s “When We Stand Together” was playing, and the lyrics stunned me to silence:

They tell us everything’s all right
And we just go along
How can we fall asleep at night
When something’s clearly wrong
When we could feed a starving world
With what we throw away
But all we serve are empty words
That always taste the same

Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah
We must stand together

And, in that moment, it hit me what an amazing experience I was having.

I still don’t know that I can put into words the feeling that came over me… because although I believe I am a spiritual person, as an Agnostic, I don’t consider myself religious.  But in THAT moment, I looked around, and saw the many similarities and almost no contrasts.

I was surrounded by a small army of people who were almost all volunteers, who were giving their time and energy to help people who they (mostly) don’t know.  We had gathered in a place to work together, with a common purpose, without thought or expectation of glory or benefit… and yet all of us were obviously fueled by the activity we were participating in.

To me, the comparisons to a religious experience were striking.

And, I guess that is why many of the organizations that do “similar” work, are often religion-based. Salvation Army… Samaritan’s Purse…ChildFund International… and many more.

But… that was more an observation and MY personal experience.  The Friends In Need Food Bank doesn’t have any religious affiliations, and is just an amazing place that helps people.

I’m going back  Thursday, and hope I’ll be better prepared for the overwhelming wave of good feelings, that swept me away last week.

We CAN feed a starving world, with what we throw away.

If you have a pantry full of food, a few extra dollars in your wallet, or a few extra hours in your day, give yourself a Christmas treat, and drop by your local food bank… or even better, arrange to help them.

You’ll get more than you give.

Friends In Need Food Bank is located at #8-22726 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge.  Their number is 604-466-FOOD

I hope to see you there !!!


A few folks have been asking about the latest project I’ve been working on.
(Well, in addition to working on websites, Social Media, helping friends with their campaigns, and such…)
It has been a fun project, that takes me to the toolbench, away from the keyboard for extended periods.

I’ve been making buttons.

Buttons - Treasures in the Wood - BobBlahBlah.comEarly last week, Lorie needed some buttons for a craft project fundraiser for Katie’s Place, and she asked me how hard it would be to make buttons from tree branches, as she had seen some on E-Bay, but they were quite expensive.

The next day, I went “shopping” at the local green waste centre, and found some perfect cherry and birch branches.

I guess this would qualify as the “before” shot.

Carefully, over the following days, I dried the moist branches in the oven, putting the branches and pieces into the oven, on low temperature, or when it was off and cooling down.

Buttons - Treasures in the Wood - BobBlahBlah.comOnly had one mishap, the day I slipped, while sanding a button, and removed a great deal of skin and some nail, from the tip of my thumb.

In the ensuing rush to stem the bleeding and get a bandaid, I forgot that I had turned on the oven, with a tray of buttons in.

(Crispy critters)Buttons - Treasures in the Wood -

Anyway, apart from that, the drying process was slow, but gratifying, and I think the end results are quite cool.  So, I thought I would share.

Buttons - Treasures in the Wood - BobBlahBlah.comLorie added an artsy touch to some of them, with her craft dyes, and some we left natural:

However, as cool as I think they are, by far the best one has nothing to do with anything Lorie or I did…  It is the hidden treasure, trapped in the wood… a tiny star pattern we found, buried in the wood, in the centre of one small section of a branch:Buttons - Treasures in the Wood -