Removing The Stigma From Mental Health Issues
I have suffered from depression.
I was one of the lucky ones… I was able to get help, and with support… came out the other side.
Some are not so lucky.
May 27th, 1993 was the first time I lost someone I knew to suicide.
Her name was Cheryl, and she worked with me.
This week, a friend lost his son to those same demons.
A lot of us have fought the battle.
The internal voices are very loud, and the concern of “anyone finding out” is always there.
The stigma.
The thought that “I’m MORE flawed, than everyone else.”
We’re ALL flawed.
By our very nature… we are HUMAN.
But each of us carries the burden that OUR journey is unique, that we are the only ones who have ever trodden the path we are on, that we are having a singularly unique experience, where no one has previously trodden.
Nonsense !!!
Everyone is just afraid to talk about it.
Screw the stigma…
I’ve had depression, and it sucked… and I hope it doesn’t come back… but if it does, I have the support of my family and friends… and together we will get through it.
You are NOT alone…
Here is a song I wrote about eating disorders, which can also be applied to the stigma of Mental Health Issues.
The Invisible Children Tsunami – Eleven Days Later
Eleven days after the world became aware of the StopKony video, I still believe in the Invisible Children cause.
- Having watched the video.
- Having listened to, and investigated the concerns that some raised.
- Having watched the Official video reply.
- Having watched an interview on Piers Morgan Tonight.
- Having listened to/read the words of influential people (Oprah, Anderson Cooper, George Clooney) who have been talking about Joseph Kony and the LRA for years, and gaining no public traction.
- And despite the life of one involved individual suddenly and sadly, very publicly, unraveling…
I support Invisible Children, and their #StopKony #Kony2012 #SurrenderKony movement.
I will continue to help support individuals in Africa to start and grow businesses, through Kiva Microloans.
I will continue (periodically) to electronically lobby law-makers and people of influence, in order to urge them to continue the support of keeping the 100 US Advisers, in Africa, to further assist and help the local Governments in the region to endeavour to catch, and bring Joseph Kony to justice.
This campaign has been the subject of much debate, but I don’t see the downside of trying something new, considering that the Lord’s Resistance Army has been marauding the region, and terrorizing the people of various countries, for far too long.
It is well past a time where tyrants and mass murderers can operate without fear of the global community. Whether in Syria, Kosovo, Darfur or Central Africa… failing to stop genocide is NO LONGER AN OPTION.
I believe if Joseph Kony lived in North America, he would have been found and brought to justice in mere weeks. But, sadly, the voiceless people of Central Africa have lived in fear for too long, and it is time for the atrocities of the LRA (as well as those in Sudan) to be brought to light, and to the attention of the world… Further, the light needs to be kept there and held long enough to serve notice to our politicians that this is not a passing viral concern, gone next week, and must be addressed.
Yes, I am trying to help change the world with a few persistent mouse clicks.
I hope you will join me.
Happy St Patrick’s Day !!!
Joseph Kony and Doubters
As quickly as it came on the scene, people have started grumbling about the Joseph Kony “Kony2012” campaign.
The video was filmed over a succession of years, so, just like the hairstyles, some stuff is going to change.
Yes, Kony is no longer in Uganda, where he ruled the roost for many years.
(It says so at 15:03 of the video)
The folks at Invisible Children have posted a reply to some of the questions and concerns that have been floating around the interwebs.
You can read it HERE
Another endorsement was given by Oprah Winfrey, who donated “big dollars” in support of Invisible Children, and had the group on her show twice.
Some people may still have concerns about donating to this campaign.
Fine… then DON’T !!!
(Personally, my wife and I have adopted a foster child in Burkina Faso, and have made over 80 Kiva microloans… and I think Kiva is one of the best organizations going.)
But DO send an e-mail, post a Facebook comment or send a tweet to the 20 celebrities and 12 Political folk, to keep the pressure up.
NOBODY should have to live for 20+ years, with a maniac like Joseph Kony roaming free.
Joseph Kony 2012
The video below is about the most-wanted criminal in the world.
There are some brief shocking images in this video… but when you watch it, the most shocking thing was that I had no idea that one man could cause so much death, despair and horror… and still be anonymous.
Please watch the video through, and share it with your family, friends and those in power, through the links on the website.
Click here to go to the website, to help spread awareness.
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If, like me, you couldn’t believe that such a man could exist, without us knowing about him… here is a post about the LRA on Wikipedia.
Share And Show The Love
Happy Valentine’s Day !!!
Today, as we share the joys and love… might be a good time to give a gift of something new and different. A microloan… For instance, a Kiva Gift Card.
You donate $25 to a person somewhere in the world… (you choose who, through the Kiva projects list) … and they get a hand up, with starting or expanding their business.
Once their business is going, the first thing they do is re-pay your $25, and you get to loan it so someone else !!!
For all those of us who really don’t “need” anything, it is a great way to share and show the love !!!
Hope you have a great Valentine’s Day !!!