Upside Downton Abbey

As everyone who follows me on Twitter knows (and if you aren’t a follower, why dontcha ???) I am a big Downton Abbey fan.

We got hooked, and wait with bated breath for each episode… trying desperately to avoid the spoilers on Social Media.

And, today, I came across the Sesame Street version of Downton Abbey:  “Upside Downton Abbey” featuring the dowager Countess and Carson.

Enjoy !!!



Castle – A Great TV Show

Various sources have been nattering on at me about Nathan Fillion, for a long time.

A while back, there was a promotion at a store, where I got a free Castle Season 1 DVD.

As a mid-season replacement, the Castle TV Show came in, with a short season.

Being sick with a cold, I blasted through those ten shows in a mini-marathon that left me wanting more.

For those unfamiliar, Castle is the story of Richard Castle, a mystery writer, who, feeling there are no surprises left with his detective character, kills him off… but then is struck with writer’s blocks.   As the book is published, Castle is drawn into a “real-life” murder, where the victims are killed in manners that resemble those in his books.  In this way, Castle meets Detective Kate Beckett, and upon successfully concluding the case, Castle asks the Mayor (a fan of the writer) to be allowed to continue “tagging along” with Detective Beckett and her team, under the guise of research, but also because the lead characters are developing feelings for one another.

TV Show - Castle -


If you are a fan of smart-aleck, Rockford Files-type crime dramas where the character is startled and offended when punched, this is right up your alley.

I didn’t find it surprising to find out that one of the show-runners called Stephen J Cannell “Uncle Steve”

If you haven’t discovered Castle, you should check it out !!!

Longmire by Craig Johnson

Craig Johnson is an American writer who created the Sheriff Walt Longmire series of novels.

I came across them, by way of the Arts and Entertainment (A&E) TV series, (and later seasons on Netflix).

Longmire, is based on Johnson’s books, with a few minor changes.

Longmire TV Series - Netflix Show - BobBlahBlah.comThe series is built around the character of Walt Longmire, who is the long-standing Sheriff of (fictional) Absaroka County, Wyoming, and his struggle to return to work and normalcy, after the death of his wife.  His daughter, Sheriff’s department staff, best friend Henry Standing Bear and colorful local characters all contribute to richly-drawn episodes, which are interwoven with wonderful and tantalizing backstories.

It struck me that the characters were so well fleshed out, evoking almost a sense of familiarity, but without any of them slipping into cliches… that I thought the books must surely be even better.

On a series of journeys, I visited multiple bookstores in Maple Ridge, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle… and none had them in stock.  A number of the stores were aware of the series, and couldn’t keep them on the shelves.  The other book-sellers just shrugged.  In all cases, I was left wanting.

So, I went to Amazon, and took a leap of faith.  Not wanting to pay for shipping, I ordered the first four books in the series, and waited anxiously for their arrival.

I was not disappointed.

The first book was devoured in a non-stop reading session that drew me in, and caused me to cast EVERYTHING (including sleep) aside.

As soon as I finished the first book, I ordered the rest of the series… for I knew they would not last long.

Because there are a limited number of books (currently nine) I have given them to myself sparingly, in order to not burn through them as quickly as I might want.

Each of the books build upon the previous ones, some beginning on the day after a previous book ends… so it is important to read them in order, to gain an understanding of the characters’ relationships and motivations.  There is also (in each paperback) a Question and Answer section with Craig Johnson, and a series of discussion topics for book chat groups.

About the time the second set of books arrived, I became aware that Craig Johnson was also active on Social Media, with both Twitter and Facebook accounts.

(His twitter handle @UcrossPop25 comes from the Town he currently lives in… Ucross, Wyoming… which currently has a population of 25 folks).

He sometimes also offers short stories to his readers, in exchange for signing up for the mailing list (although, other than the December 2012 Christmas short story, I have received no email from him… save a “Thank you, you are officially deputized” acknowledgement.)

I am pretty select in my choice of reading, especially with regards to mystery novels, yet I have added him to my list of favorite authors, alongside Robert Parker, Rex Stout, Robert Crais & Michael Connelly.  I’m sure you will, as well !!!



MyVegas Game on Facebook

Recently, our family took a trip to Las Vegas, to celebrate my nieces 21st Birthday.MyVegas - How to play MyVegas -

While we were there, I saw a LOT of advertising at MGM Resort properties for a game called MyVegas, which (unlike most Casino games) is played on Facebook.

MyVegas - How to play MyVegas - BobBlahBlah.comThe difference being, that MyVegas is a Facebook game, played to win real-life Las Vegas rewards at MGM Resort properties.

There is no cost to play (other than you have to have a Facebook account) and, although you can BUY chips, so far I’ve played enough to get a couple of free show tickets (a couple of hundred dollar value) without buying anything.

Because it is SUCH a new game (there are new aspects to the promotion that were unveiled less than a week ago) it is constantly changing, which from a marketing geek’s perspective, is quite fun to watch them try to engage and maintain their customer’s interest.

Check it out, if it sounds like something you might be interested in !!!

(Getting stuff for free, is NEVER a bad thing, right ???)

Good luck !!!

Spirit Day

Purple Square - Spirit Day - BobBlahBlah.comToday is Spirit Day…

Recently we all heard about cyber-bullying causing a teen to commit suicide…

And we all rally around the sentiment “It Gets Better”

But does it ?

Tonight, I am watching on twitter, as adults spew venomous vitriol on Whoopi Goldberg, (@WhoopiGoldberg)  for her question to Ann Romney on The View, about the Mormon faith, and asking to clarify whether the faith precluded Mitt Romney or his five sons from military service.

She is being attacked, not with reason or argument, but with the blunt force of hate and vile insults.

I don’t know that we can say “It Gets Better”… I just think the venue changes for the playground bully, who, after graduation, can go online and throw stones from the safety of an anonymous twitter or facebook account.

Cyber-bullying is not something restricted to any particular age, religion or political view… but the rules have to change.

I do not like censorship.

But I dislike HATE SPEAK more.



Giving Thanks

It being Thanksgiving weekend in Canada, it seemed like an appropriate time to “take stock” and give thanks.*

Thanks to the weatherman, for the sunshine, and for making us believe it is August in October.

Thanks to Mom Nature, for giving me a reason (and the option) of going outside to rake up crunchy leaves and breathe in the fresh, warm air.

Thanks to Lorie’s family for sharing wonderful meals and evenings of fun, warmth and laughter.

Thanks to my family for always being there, even when they’re not right here.

Thanks to friends (both IRL and online) for their friendship, thoughts, debates, discussions and (on this weekend) good wishes.

Thanks to my clients, who took a chance on a one-guy start-up, and trusted both my opinions and my work ethic.

Thanks to my partners, for trusting me with their projects and ideas.

Corona Beer - Giving Thanks - BobBlahBlah.comThanks to the folks at Corona for making “La Cerveza Mas Fina” (…and curse them for it going down so quickly after a hot afternoon, outside)

There are many others, who I thank for the value and richness they bring to my life.

But mostly, I thank my sweetie for being my best friend, and always being able to laugh, even when the wind is blowing a gale.

Hope everyone has a great (Canadian) Thanksgiving weekend !!!

* The list isn’t complete, but heavily influenced by the last 24 hours and two beers that went down FAR too quickly. : )