WordPress – A Love Story – (Blogging 101)
I would like to have a Website or Blog. What should I do ?
Because I am only Familiar with WordPress, I will confine my answer to that Blogging Software. From what I can tell, it is the most used, and most user friendly.
There are two branches to WordPress… WordPress.com and WordPress.org
Do I just want to Blog for FREE ?
WordPress.com is the “side of the street” where you get a little less control over your Blog, but you’re not paying for it, so that is the tradeoff ! By going to WordPress.com, and filling out the form there, you can be up and writing your Blog in a few minutes… BUT your Blog address will be something like BobSongs.WordPress.com, which is a little unwieldy, but again… the price is right !
Do I want My OWN Blog (with a unique URL) ?
The other option is to host your own Blog. Often this is a decision determined by “Do I already have my own domain” or “Do I have enough to say, that it is worthwhile for me to have my own Blog ?” This option costs money. Not a LOT, but a couple of lattes a month. For myself, I already had my https://BobSongs.com website, so it was not a huge leap for me to envision my Blog as http://Blog.BobSongs.com It costs me about $7.00 a month to host, because I already owned the BobSongs.com domain.
If you want to go this route, and you do not have a website, I would suggest the first step is trying to find a website that will suit your purposes. When I was looking, I found that BobGray.com was taken by someone else, so I had to settle on BobSongs.com. You can find out if Domains are available by using a WHOIS application. There is one available from Network Solutions, http://www.networksolutions.com/whois/index.jsp
Once you find the domain name is available, you need to go to a Hosting Company, and (usually) they will help you purchase the domain, and provide hosting. Costs will vary, as different domain extensions (.ca .com .net) have different costs. You pay a fee, per year, to “hold” that domain, and a monthly hosting fee, to have your site “on the web”
I used Blue Fur Web Hosting for my Blog, and Gary was good enough to install WordPress on there for me… but there are a number of hosting companies that provide similar service.
If you already have a website, talk to your hosting company about adding a blog to your domain. From what I’ve seen, the “norm” is to replace the www with Blog in your URL. (If you don’t understand this, don’t worry, your host company will know.)
Okay, I’ve got a Blog to call my own… Now what ?!?
Official Keyboard of the BobSongs BlogEven before you’ve got your Blog set up, there are a few things on WordPress that can be confusing, unless you know ahead of time:
THEMES – Are the appearance of your page. The layout, background and colours. There are probably thousands of Themes to choose from (most free) and not that hard to change.
WIDGETS & PLUGINS – These are the options that “add” value to your page. Again, one of the best ways to find out the important ones, are to look at Blogs you like, and see what they do. Reader Comments, Twitter Tracker, SEO Submission, Categories, Recent Blog Listings… all things that you can add to most Themes, and decide where they should go on your page, using PlugIns and Widgets.
Sometimes, when you load a different Theme, some of your Widgets may not work, or work the same… FYI… So find a theme you can live with, for a while.
POSTS – Sometimes, during editing, the Internet hiccups. For most of us this isn’t a problem… but if you are Posting to a Blog, it can be frustrating. I suggest writing your Blog in Word for Windows, or Notebook… and then Cut and Paste to the TEXT screen in WordPress. In this way, you always have a backup of your Posts, just in case “something” happens. Again, I haven’t had any issues, I just think it’s a good habit to get into.
A tip I got from Raul Pacheco-Vega (@Hummingbird604) was to break up blocks of words with a pertinent image… (always giving photo credit, if the image is not your own) … it provides a treat for the eye, and a break in big blocks of text.
WORDS – The rest of the challenge is to create a Blog that challenges and draws readers in. My Blogs are tending to be a bit frenetic, without a central theme. In Beyond Blogging, (a book I bought and read) they say this can make it challenging to develop and keep a following. The other important habit is to try to get into a rhythm, so your readers know whether to expect one post a month, or three a week !!!
HAVE FUN – To me, this is the key ingredient. If the writer enjoys what they are doing, and are having fun with it… the reader can enjoy the experience, alongside. If there is no passion, there will be no pleasure… for the writer, or the reader !!!
Write on !!!
In Tribute: Doc Ballard
I got some bad news yesterday.
As I write this, I’m not thinking clearly, and that will require some editing, because I want this to be as close to perfect, as I can make it.
I went to High School in Kerrisdale… Magee, Grad Class of ’80.
In Grade Nine, there were all the regular cast of Characters… the one who were smart, the ones who were cool, the jocks, the nerds, the bandies and the rest.
I was in the middle of the rest… I was beige.
Not small enough to get picked on, not hard working enough to be academic, not confident enough to be funny… most people in my Class, when I meet them today, don’t remember me… and I don’t begrudge them… I did nothing to stand out, and because I didn’t know who I was, or what I wanted… it was fine with me.
Grade Nine was all about the School trying to give us options… Guys did Industrial Education, while Girls took Home Ec. Science was split into four chapters… Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Even English was divided, so that we could have two different Teachers.
I started off the year with an English Teacher who believed that in order to be successful in English; you had to be able to identify every single segment of sentence structure. I couldn’t have sorted it out, even if I had a map. That irked her, and I was close to failing. Because of her, I hated English class.
Next semester, I arrived at my second English Class, and a spritely, older man with snow white hair came bounding in. He had a spring in his step and an enthusiastic chuckle in his every word. His name was Mr. Ballard, but (for reasons that are unclear to me) all the older Grade Students called him Doc Ballard.
He taught English, was the Tennis Coach, and sponsored the Ping Pong team. He loved what he did, and was enthralled by it. Around the corner from the lunch room, was an area off the janitors’ room, where he and another teacher, (Mr. Davies) would take their jackets off, roll up their sleeves, and play (to us) World Class Ping Pong. He loved to make high arcing shots, and when the shots would glance off the table edge, as they often did, he would laugh his staccato chortle. On the rare event of a miss, his shoulders would go up high, his whole body would jerk, and he would let out the most heartfelt “OH !”
He also loved writing, and challenged us all to grasp the impact of the many selections he would deliberately read out to us… trying to wring from every syllable the tension, drama or joy that the author had intended.
He challenged his students the same way. He wanted passion for writing in his class… offering extra credits, if we wanted to write on our own. The more we would write, the higher the mark.
With him, we had no fear of being kept behind in class, because those of us, who were writing, knew he wanted to give us his thoughts on our writing. He would talk about structure, and flow. He wanted the writing to make sense, and talked about the impact of words, and showed how changing one word could make a vast difference to the emphasis and the sense of a passage.
This was 1977, and there were no computers, there were no electric typewriters in homes, there was a choice of pen and paper, or a clunky old “hammer the keys” manual typewriter, typing on Onionskin. And I would sit there by the hour. Sadly, I only kept a few of the dozens I churned out, but I do have my favourite.
Inspired by Doc Ballard’s encouragement, and a number of movies that had recently come out, I decided to write (what in Grade 9) a tome… 2500 words. A suspense thriller, filled with assassins, good guys, motivations and undercurrents. Reading it now, it’s Grade 9… but in Grade 9, I was elated.
When it was done, I gave it to him after class the next day in a Duotang binder, and he looked at me, like I was pulling his leg. He started thumbing through the pages, and saw the hours of writing and editing, re-writing before the days of liquid paper, or cut and paste. I was excited, but I think he was more delighted than I. His eyes were dancing, and he did his funny little shuffle. He patted me on the arm, and there was, for me, a real sense of how much he was actually looking forward to reading it. For the first time, outside of my family, I had found an audience.
The next day, I couldn’t wait for English Class. All class long, I was too excited to focus on the subject of the day, and when the bell rang, and class ended, I was taken aback when he told me that he was enjoying it, but that he hadn’t really had a chance to go through it thoroughly, but that the next day would be the time to review it.
Next day, I trundled into class, still slightly miffed. We settled into our desks, and he stood before us with his usual grin and his head to one side… and said, “Today I have a treat for you… a short story by Bob Gray” with which he pulled out my Blue Duotang, and proceeded to launch into an amazing reading. Speeding up when the intensity pitched… slowing down to emphasize a passage… re-reading the occasional phrase to draw attention to some writing technique. My first instinct was stunned disbelief and embarrassment. That passed quickly, as I too got caught up in the amazing performance he was giving, with my pathetic thriller.
I don’t know how the class ended, I don’t remember the rest of the day, other than the sister of a friend came up and asked me if I had really written “that story” ? I said yes, and didn’t really think of it, at the time… I only found out a few days later. He hadn’t just read it to my Class… He read it to every Class that day, Grades 8 through 12.
This happened quite close to the Summer Holidays, and I shook his hand as I asked him, on the last day, to sign my Annual, and he said something like “Keep writing!” as he wrote Best Wishes, A. Ballard, below his picture. I thanked him, and wished him a good summer.
The next year, as we were running around the Gym, sorting out our Classes and Teachers, I stopped one of the Counselors, and asked her where Mr. Ballard was. “Gone” was the reply.
I was disappointed, but I was a teenager, and got caught up in school life, work, and my new love, writing.
In subsequent years, I have put pen to paper, worn out typewriters and eventually progressed to computer keyboards.
We all get caught up in the tangled fabric of Life… with marriages, deaths, births, and other events, all creating a curtain, where we hide our yesterdays.
Every few years, usually when I was writing something late at night, I would think of Doc Ballard, and on many occasions endeavored to get in touch. E-mails to Vancouver School Board. Letters to the BC Teachers Association. Phonecalls to the same Groups. All met with the same result… no answer.
Answers ranged from…There were computer issues, so records were lost… Privacy rules prohibit, sorry it’s not possible… to… No, not even if we send it for you.
Every few years I would try, and every few years I would get the same result.
I tried again yesterday… but this time after going through the Retired Teachers Association and the BC Teachers Federation, I looked through my old School Annual, and found his initials on his photo, so I was prepared to phone every AC Ballard in British Columbia.
On the fourth call, I finally found the correct residence, as an elderly woman confirmed she was his wife. She was having a hard time understanding, at first, why I was calling, because she was having trouble hearing me. But, although I was excited, I patiently explained again, who I was, and why I was calling, and then she paused, and gave me the heartbreaking news that he had passed away a few years ago. I expressed to her my condolences. She said it would have been nice if I had been able to thank him for his kindness, before he passed… she thought he would have been touched by that.
Now, a day later, I sit at my computer, trying to find the words to describe the gift that this man gave to me.
I have not yet earned a penny from a word I’ve written, but I’ve moved people with my song lyrics… made them laugh with my short stories… and earned thoughtful replies with my letters.
I don’t know what sort of a tribute I can write for a man who, in a few short months, saw something in me, and nurtured and brought it out from where it had hidden. As a relative stranger, he showed me something that I didn’t know about myself, gave me a gift that has given me a lifetime of joy, and a voice. He gave me nothing I didn’t have, but without him, I might have nothing.
Thank you seems absurdly understated, but… it’s all I’ve got.
Thank you, Mr. Ballard… Thank you, Doc.
Anti-Social Media…
I love Twitter.
I believe it allows us to connect, and “meet” with people, and form relationships and sometimes even virtual friendships.
It allows us to support one of our community, when they are fragile… whether they are reeling from another sleepless night… a sick child who is inconsolable… or trying to get through the treatments to battle a life-threatening illness.
In that same way, each of us has Twitter families, that include our real families, but also extends to people outside our lives.
I can chat with Sergei in Romania, to find out if his leg is better… find out what he thinks about my latest song… or I can send a Hi Howdy to my Sister up in Prince George, to find out how she is. It is a real time connection with people from… anywhere !
During a Canucks Game, the Twitter stream is filled with “Go #Canucks Go… RT if you’re with me” !!!
During the recent Canada /US World Junior Hockey Tournament Final Game… those of us watching the Game, grew silent, as Canada fell two goals behind… then jubilant as the Game was tied, with mere moments to go… and commiserating with one another, as Canada lost in overtime.
Twitter can make experiences richer, by making the experience a shared on.
Often, I see tweets… “Has anyone had to...” and sometimes someone can help them, or make a suggestion.
Often you will see a follow up tweet… “Never mind” …because the act of having to put their question into 140 characters, has clarified the issue, and they have effected their own solution.
As you may have guessed, I am a fan of Twitter, and will often refer someone who is new to Twitter, to the Mashable website, for the Twitter 101 article. I also try to suggest that folks who are songwriters, fill in their Bio information so that other Songwriters, may (regionally) be able to get together and support one another, like @BCSongwriters tries to do here in the Lower Mainland.
I believe that Twitter is an effective and beneficial tool for connecting with friendly people, or with people holding similar interests.
I love Twitter.
MY Twitter, is currently comprised of 711 folks I follow, and 854 that follow me. I don’t have a lot of time for Tweeps who just push. I’m not a big fan of Tweeps who send thousands of quotes, but don’t interact. I like to believe I have a discerning eye for Tweeps who are going to become spammers, or just want a large following to brag to their friends.
In my Twitter, there is ALWAYS room for discussion and disagreement. The form thrives in the forum, and the debate.
Late at night, the dark side of Twitter sometimes emerges, with the tweets becoming a deeper blue, from the daytime Turquoise. Not my thing… but that is the joy of MY Twitter. I am not obliged or compelled to participate in a conversation that doesn’t “speak” to me.
However, rudeness and ill will have no place on MY Twitter, and will not be tolerated. It is called Social Media, and to my mind, the Number One Rule of Society is, and always will be, “Treat Others As You Would Like To Be Treated”
I have, apart from Spammers, never blocked anyone, until a few days ago.
The individual in question insulted me, before engaging me in debate… and repeatedly ridiculed my points without providing any counterpoints. In the end, I realized he was wasting my time, so I sent a brief “We shall agree to disagree” tweet, and blocked him.
Yesterday, using a different user name, I was assailed by the same individual. (Apparently he only has the one picture ? Brilliant !)
I have heard from a few other Tweeps that they, too, have recently had similar experiences… some have had someone RT (ReTweeting) tweets, but subverting the contents.
Being that I am civically minded, and tend to express my opinions… these incidents have, just for a moment, given me pause.
Not because I am being attacked and targetted, for expressing my opinions, in a Democratic Country… but because, in the same way that we can rally around Team Canada without being present in Saskatchewan in the rink, Twitter also offers an opportunity for those with ill will to gather, and sometimes apparently, to transgress the border, into MY Twitter.
I guess if it happens again, I will have to look into the Spam and Abuse rules.
In the meantime, I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it, but I love Twitter !!!
Would love to hear your thoughts…
Taking Ownership…
High School was not a good place for me.
There are many sayings: “If I knew then, what I know now…,” “If I could go back and do it all again…” But I can’t, and besides, that’s not really the focus of what I wanted to address here… but it is a means to an end.
In High School, I didn’t know who I was, what I wanted, or where I thought I should “be.” When I was 15, like most teenagers, I got a job… Except it turned out, I got a career !
At 15, I went to work for John Lecky and Thunderbird Enterprises, who ran a variety of stores in different areas of Vancouver… Windmill Toys, Czar Nicholas & The Toad, Dig This, P.S. and The Thunderbird Shop at UBC… and my life changed. Work, even at that young age, afforded me a focus that High School did not. I still went to school, and on to University and Computer School… but I was more engaged and enraptured by the challenges and the opportunities, so I poured myself into working at, and then, years later, helping run and Manage a Store.
When I started, the money was negligible… (at that time, people under the age of 16 got paid a lower minimum wage) … so I started at $2.65 an hour. But I didn’t care ! Soon I was working 40+ hours a week… and loving it.
John, or as he was then, “Sir”…. let every member of his Teams contribute, and feel valued.
The skills and energy I offer today, are as a result of , and built on, the lessons I learned then.
On reviewing my resume, this week, I proudly read “Team Builder and Cheerleader,” alongside skills that are probably more often posted, but, in some ways, less necessary.
John allowed every member of his Team, the gift of being able to perform… As if they owned the Business.
Work hard… Support your team… Learn as much as you can… Look at things from an “outside” perspective… Always try to exceed the customers’ expectations… I could go on and on, but perhaps most importantly… Have fun and enjoy what you do !
Times changed, and the businesses closed… (the late 90’s was all about Malls, and not about Destination Retail) …but the lessons learned during those 21 years have laid a foundation for my work, and my work ethic.
High School was not a good place for me. I found my place at Windmill Toys, in Kerrisdale. And on the shelves there, amongst Lego sets, Fisher-Price Toys and Playmobil, I found hard work, diligence, self worth and a set of work ethic values that will carry me through the rest of my days.
Thank you for reading this, and have a great day !
H-D-L… L-D-L… M-O-U-S-E…
I got the call the other day.
I thought it might be coming, but I believed I had staved it off.
It was not to be.
My doctor says I have high cholesterol.
Despite having changed my diet over the last year, to include less red meat, and dairy.
Despite having lost 30 pounds.
Despite having for the last year, done everything I could to make my cholesterol numbers better… they got substantially worse !!!
My parents both took medecine to lower their cholesterol… and between my sisters and I… I was the lucky one !
So, here I sit on a Saturday morning, newly resolved… just after New Years… but that has NOTHING to do with it.
What it does have to do with, is the determination that I will take the pills… but I will also work harder… continue to eat better… and work out more.
So, as I’m sitting here, watching the Canucks game, I have eaten my oatmeal for breakfast, laden with cinnamon and anti-oxidant loaded unsweetened fruit. I’m sipping my Green Tea, and nibbling almonds.
I may not be able to defeat the genes that my cholesterol-challenged parents gifted me with… but my parents also gave me a dogged stubborn streak about a mile wide. I don’t acknowledge “cannot” as a word in my vocabulary.
I have suffered a setback.
But damned if I’m giving up !
I’d like to elaborate further, but it’s time for me to go take some flax and salmon oil.
See you at the Gym !!!
Happy New Year…
It seems a long time ago that we were all atwitter about Y2K.
Ten years on, it seems strange that we had people whose sole job it was, to prepare us for the Computer Cataclysm that was forth-coming ! Thanks, Al Gore !!!
Tonight, my sweetie wasn’t feeling well, so instead of heading out to a friend’s house, we opted to stay home, and have a quiet evening…
There were two exceptional Hockey Games on, and Twitter was buzzing with Friends and Acquaintances wishing each other well.
There seemed to be a consensus that by the mere act of the hands of a clock, clicking past midnight, that the slate would be cleaned, and some sort of demons expunged. Not sure how that works. I found it remarkable, the number of people who remarked upon their expectations, that with the turning of a calendar page, they would also turn a fresh page on what was apparently, a “bad” year !!!
I’m not saying, what with Wars waging, record unemployment, cutbacks and losses, that 2009 was a banner year for greatness… far from it. I guess I’m just marvelling at the Optimism, where someone can say, “That, was bad… but now we start fresh !!!”
Not sure what word I would use to describe myself… Realist and Pragmatist both look superior and condescending, to my over-tired eyes…
I believe that a fresh start is a good thing. To begin anew, with a refreshed sense of vigour, and a renewed purpose, totally admirable.
I guess I am of the belief that just because the Calendar turns a page, we cannot cast aside the lessons of 2009.
For if we know one thing, it is that when we are not mindful of our History, we are bound to repeat the mistakes.
So, I raise a virtual glass in toast to the Opportunities of the coming Year, while casting a respectful glance over my shoulder at the remnants of 2009.
I wonder 10 Years from now, how we shall reflect on the beginning of this new Decade ?
Will it be the point where things turned around ?
Or will it be like Y2K… much ado about nothing ?
As always… time will tell !!!
Happy New Year !!!