
Clumsy ?  Check !!!

Uncoordinated ?  Yup !!!

Ungainly ?  Absolutely !!!

I proved all three points, earlier today, when I inserted my newly bandaged finger in a closing drawer.

Having taken some Tylenol, and yelled loud enough that I scared the cats, I am now prepared to involve my Blog followers, as well !

I’m not sure what it is about Sunday nights, but whether I’m working, or “off”… I have never slept well on Sunday nights.

So it was, this morning at 4 am, when I found my way to my desk, to work on some new songwriting marketing that I continued to do throughout the morning.

‘Round about 10 am, I was getting thirsty, so decided to go and put another pot of tea on, and grab a banana.

Those of you who have been faithful to the few previous posts will know that, last Friday, I underwent hand surgery, and have a small planet of bandage wrapped around the ring finger of my right hand.  And, yes, I am right-handed.

So, I go into the cutlery drawer, get a knife, close the drawer, turn to get the the banana, and think, “Oh, I need a spoon, as well.”  Stick my finger back into the drawer… I’m sure you can all see it coming…  just as it closes.

Well, I certainly didn’t need any caffeine for the next few hours.

Tylenol 3 and Motrin... my best friends !!!

Tylenol 3 and Motrin… my best friends !!!

And, my hunger went away too !

I’m now marketing the “Slam Your Finger In The Drawer” sure-fired weight-loss Program !!!

Look out, Jenny Craig !!!

Sheesh… It hurt !!!

(And yes, I said a LOT worse things than “Sheesh” !!!)

Both cats were eventually found, safe but cowering, under the upstairs bed.  They have a tendency to follow anyone who goes into the kitchen… just in case any food falls on the floor, and had been there to witness the self abuse.

I guess I had gotten a little self assured in my attitude, and wasn’t prepared to let the finger surgery slow me down…

Okay, rack one point to the ironic Gods of Karma and their “We’ll show him” campaign… I am officially chastened.

It is now a few hours later… Motrin and Tylenol 3 continue to work their magic, and tea is again called upon, to keep me vertical.

I shall try to be more careful with my recently patched finger… but I fear that it may be the subject of a few more posts, before the bandages come off !

I hope that “wraps it up” for today !!!

I’ll keep you posted !

Shaw Cable…

There are few things that cause me as much angst as the internet connection being slow, or worse… not working.

In the past few weeks, I’ve been having trouble sleeping, and as a result, waking up in the middle of the night.

When I wake up, I try to go back to sleep, but if it doesn’t happen, I’ll get up and go to my computer.

When the internet doesn’t work at 3 am, it’s rough, because you can’t call and talk to anyone… Because the call will wake up everyone in the house.

By the next morning, it’s inevitably working… So the first time, I wasn’t going to call and say “Well… SURE it’s working NOW !”

My ISP (Internet Service Provider) is Shaw Cable.  They also provide my home phone and cable.  I have always thought their service was good, but this intermittent internet issue was ticking me off.

 Over the next few days, I started paying attention, and on Twitter, quite a few of my Tweeps are talking about how they are trying to get help from Shaw Cable, but having trouble getting a resolution of their issues.

However, after a few nights in a row of the same thing happening, I’m prepared to deal with calling Shaw.


I called, and was waiting about an hour, and after getting through to a Customer Service Rep, and explaining the issue… was told I had reached the wrong extension. When they transferred me to the correct department, I was connected briefly, and then dial tone.


Waited a few days, and a few more problem-filled nights, and then called again. Got the correct department this time, and spent over an hour with their specialist… Plugging and unplugging… Pinging and I can’t remember what else… but in the end, he apologized and said he really didn’t think there was anything he could do.   He said he’d make a note of it, and to please call if it happened again… if possible, when the internet wasn’t working.

I kind of wrote it off, and have been sleeping better, so haven’t gotten up in the middle of the night, for a week or so.

Today, there was a knock on the door.

shaw-logoTurns out it’s Phil from Shaw Cable.

He’s out tromping our neighbourhood in the rain, going door to door, asking folks if they have noticed any issues, and whether there is anything they need.

By the time he got to me, he’s talked to over 50 customers, and he admitted that more than 20 of us have mentioned the slow or dead internet in the evening or night.

So, they’re going to install a new Hub.

We are in an age where, when we have difficulty with something, we call for assistance… wait to speak with someone, and sometimes they can’t help us, but they say they’ll make a note of it… and we say thank you, but realistically in our heart of hearts, we believe that nothing is going to change, because nobody cares.

It was refreshing and reassuring to know that Shaw Cable cared enough to actually make notes about this matter, and have sent someone out to consult, and confirm that there is an issue, and will (we presume and hope) follow through, and act on their findings !

Thanks Shaw Cable for restoring my faith in what I’ve always found to be top notch customer service and care !


At the end of this week, I will, single-handedly, write a post for my Blog.

Many of you will doubtlessly scoff at this, saying that you write in solitude every day.  T–hat is, in fact, the lot of the writer — to secrete yourself in a quiet burrow, in order to focus your thoughts.

Others are doubtlessly more social in their writing — demanding the buzz of activity and caffeine, in order to stimulate the muse.  (The free wifi doesn’t hurt either.)

As I write this, I’m sitting at David’s Tea on 4th Avenue, sipping a cup of Jumpy Monkey.

But I digress…

What I am mean to say, is that on Friday, I am having an operation to remove a bump from the ring finger of my right hand.  It is a bump that I have grown to know over a few years, and the doctors that have looked at it said, “Oh, that’s just a ganglion nerve”.

It never bothered me or affected me at all, until December, when it started getting bigger, and hurting.

Thus I found myself, after Christmas at the hand specialist, and he scheduled surgery for January 29th.  So I shall be working literally “single handedly.”

Apparently they are going to peel back a section of skin around my knuckle, and see what there is to see.

Hopefully whatever the thing is that is growing is not intertwined with the two nerves that run through that part of my finger.

If they have a problem, I guess I may be short-handed, as well as single-handed ???

C’mon, you’ve got to hand it to me, I’ve still got my sense of humour !!!

It’s official… I’m a real cut up.

It’s now the Saturday AFTER my surgery, my right arm is in a sling, and I’m not much of a Lefty!  But hopefully as you read this, I’m not the only one in stitches

A Love Story About Words…

I love words.

Singularly, or when strung together well, words can be beautiful things.

Of course, words can hurt, and be harsh… but those are not the words and phrases I’m speaking of today.

This topic was brought to mind by the State of the Union Address by President Barack Obama, last evening.

Some of you who know me, and that I am Canadian, might wonder why I would watch it ?

To me, it was an occasion not to watch, but to listen.

To let the phrases crafted by expert wordsmiths, delivered to the Podium of an exceptional speaker, wash over me in waves.

I was raised in a house where, frequently at dinner, my Father would discuss the sometimes subtle differences between words…for example “Gourmet” versus “Gourmand”.

My favourite word is soliloquy.  Beautiful to say, and a singular word, representing a monologue, that, when done well, is poignant and well remembered, as this passage from Shakespeare’s Macbeth:

Is this a dagger which I see before me,
The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.
I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.
Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible
To feeling as to sight? or art thou but
A dagger of the mind, a false creation,
Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?
I see thee yet, in form as palpable
As this which now I draw.

I do not distinguish between political parties in my enjoyment… and I think it needs to be said that there is a vast difference between the well-rehearsed talking-point recitations of too many politicians, and the soaring and inspiring words of great orators.

Listening to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s words today, (other than the occasional jarring reference to Negros,) has every bit the impact that I’m sure it did in the Sixties.

There have, in my lifetime, been only a few individuals, who could inspire a people, with their words…

Pierre Elliott Trudeau… Nelson Mandela… His Holiness the Dalai Lama… Barbara Jordan… Ronald Reagan… Bill Clinton… Barack Obama…

And some whose gifts have been recorded for our review:

Winston Churchill… Franklin D. Roosevelt… John F. Kennedy… Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

There are, I’m certain, other examples that I am forgetting at this moment, but the aspect of this that saddens me, is that it seems to me that the ones who lead, should be able to communicate beyond a talking-point or sound-byte… but it seems to be increasingly more common for leaders to hammer a series of bulletin points, but be unable to expound or expand upon their views.

Prior to the last Canadian election, there were a series of Kitchen Table debates.  The leaders from the major Political Parties were there… but the most spirited discussion, took place before the event, in a series of heated arguments as to whether the Green Party would be invited.  The debate itself, was an embarrassing display of mud-slinging, talking over each other, and sound-byte party-line political-handbook readings.

I recently entered into a discussion on Twitter, (which given the 140 character constraint, is a trick,) trying to discern why there were no engaging characters, in Canadian Politics.

I don’t know that we came to any firm conclusions, but we were all saddened by the lack of prospects, and the beige homogenous quality that, regardless of creed or colour, seems to have infected and affected the people that we elect to represent us in Ottawa.  None with the quality of assurance and confidence of a natural born leader, and the eloquence and ability to extemporaneously speak, without sounding foolish.

So it was, on a Wednesday night… I sat down and basked in the joy of listening to the words written by an inspired team, that President Obama delivered.  Words crafted, and honed…  Displaying light and shadow… Humour and sincerity… Hope and optimism.

Beautiful words.

Carla Zilbersmith…

I’m at a loss for words. For those of you who know me, or have followed this Blog… you know that doesn’t happen much. (For much, read EVER) But, in this particular instance, I know what I am wanting to write about… I am bedevilled by how to express admiration for someone I knew… and lost touch with…

Carla Smith's High School Grad photo

Carla Smith’s High School Grad photo

I went to Magee High School, in Vancouver, and a few years ago, we had a re-union. Through that, I connected with some folks, and occasionally  get e-mail updates from folks who are better at keeping in touch than I am.  (Sorry, Bill !) Turns out that one of the folks that we went to school with, now has ALS…  Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Bill’s e-mail was: hey all: Just spent a couple of hours at Carla Smith’s Blog page, and my kids were wondering why dad was laughing out loud and crying… (carla is a couple of years into an ALS diagnosis and the tragedy comedy roll she’s on is wicked) Thought you should know. the song she put up on may 24 was it. “and I’m scared to sing this cause it sounds like such self pity but lets face it, this is shitty, so it goes…” “so this is my goodbye thought you should know…” Thought you should know. So, here I sit on a sunny Tuesday afternoon, thinking about Carla Smith. Dear Bob, It was great seeing you at the Big Poop. (She worked at the Big Scoop, an ice cream parlour) You Toy People are so jolly ! (I worked at a Toy Store) I hope I’ll see you again – maybe we’ll get married and have several small infants who wear clown noses and act silly. Luv Carla Smith The humour in this, being that we barely knew each other, and had probably spoken more at our respective workplaces, that were located across the street from each other, than we had in five years of High School. I haven’t seen her since 1980, after which she apparently took off for the footlights of California… When I got Bill’s e-mail, I went to Carla’s Blog, and discovered that she indeed had the debilitating illness, but that she was still every bit as irreverant, and the same smart aleck… Carla Zilbersmith, from the Leave Them Laughing website I also learned that since I had last seen her, she had channeled her talents into teaching, writing plays, performing, acting, singing and raising her son Mac… until her disease made her stop. Then, she took up Blogging. A film producer apparently crossed paths with Carla somewhere along the way, and so Montana Berg and Oscar winner John Zaritsky have made a movie about, and starring, Carla Zilbersmith. the film is Leave Them Laughing, and you can see the IMDB info, here: Leave Them Laughing Film

So now, on a sunny Tuesday afternoon, I sit at my computer keyboard, thinking about Carla Smith, and how she transitioned into Carla Zilbersmith. The Note from her January 19th Blog should give you a taste:

Note: This blog was written and later edited under the influence of drugs. Not necessarily Amy Winehouse level drugs, but enough. If it really is hard to follow, let me know and I’ll be scared straight.

There are so many passages I would choose to select and quote, but I’m sitting here at my computer with tears running down my face at the beautiful expressiveness of some passages, and the bald-faced “tell it like it is”-ness of others.  You really have to experience the “aliveness” for yourself. About the only thing I remember from High School Physics is the Law of Conservation of Energy: which says that energy can neither be created or destroyed… it can only change state. I believe that the greatest source of power in the Universe, is the Human Spirit. One of the greatest of those Spirits has a Blog… and her name is Carla Zilbersmith. You should check it out !

Firefly Fine Wines & Ales…

I don’t know what I’m doing.

When it comes to wine pairings… I don’t have a clue.

My usual practice, is to ask our guests if they would like wine with dinner, and if they say yes… to tell them what we are having for dinner, and ask their preference.

However, those days are behind me, because there is now a store to help folks like me, out.

Firefly Logo   Firefly Fine Wines and Ales has opened a store in Maple Ridge, and they organize their wine the traditional way (by Country), and also  by suggested food pairings (chicken, fish, steak, etc).

They are also refreshingly current in Social Media, being present on Twitter and through their Blog.

Of course, they also have a website…

But, in my mind, what sets these folks apart, is their connection with their customers.

I had been in the Maple Ridge store about three weeks after it first opened, and was there on a bit of a fact finding mission.  As regular readers of the BobSongs Blog will know, I like the odd Dram of Scotch, with a predilection for Single Malts.

When I walked in the store, I was struck by the friendly helpful attitude of the staff, and the unique way of organizing the wines.

As I perused the shelves, I was again asked if there was anything they could do to assist me… and as I had almost made my way entirely around the store, I confessed I must have missed the Scotch section, and sure enough, I had… despite being a quite substantial selection.

The lady who guided me suggested that Eliana would be better to assist me, as she knew more about Scotch, and she surely did !

She spent quite a bit of time, asking my likes and dislikes, and discussing with me the different tastes and finishing of some of their selection.

With a lot of information to absorb, I left with my head feeling like I had been drinking, rather than discussing Scotch… but it was a good “buzz” !

A few weeks later, I got this Tweet…

Firefly Tweet announcing a complimentary Scotch tasting on January 15th.

As luck would have it, I was available that evening, and dropped by.  The Robert Burns Scotch was relatively “young”, but mature for its age, and Firefly had brought  in Michelle, a Representative from Blue Note Wines & Spirits, a Distributor, who was very knowledgeable, and delighted to share her information about many different regions, finishes and the resulting Scotches.

When I left that evening, I brought with me a Welsh Whisky, Penderyn Single Malt, with Madeira finish, which I am enjoying tremendously.

They seem to have events and tastings quite regularly… as I write this, there are three coming up in Maple Ridge, in the next while… January 22nd, 23rd & 24th.

Next time you are wondering what to get, whether it be Wine, Beer or Spirits, I suggest stopping by Firefly Fine Wines and Spirits to see What’s In Store !

For selection, product knowledge, and customer care with that little bit extra…  I think they are pretty tough to beat !!!

Firefly Fine Wines and Spirits is located at 21755 Lougheed Highway in Maple Ridge.

Check it out, next time you drive by!