National Politics, On A Global Stage… On My Blackberry…
In the past few days, we have seen a variety of events, playing out for our supposed enjoyment, or betterment.
The Paralympics wound to a close, and, as sad as we are to see the athletes go… all parties have to end, and so best it goes off when everyone is excited, energized and enthusiastic !
I was not able to attend any Paralympic Sporting Events, but through Twitter, I was apprised of successes and losses, and felt I was “part of the action.”
The Prime Minister of Canada, to much fanfare and hoo haw, made a big commotion about bringing his message to the people, and embracing social media… which proves that the wonks in the Conservative Party have NO idea how YouTube works. They laid out an “unscripted” 40 plus minute video. With NO regard to the average length or attention span of the public… they laid out a long… dragged out… bilingual snoozefest. It was, for all intents and purposes, a regular question and answer session, just released on Video… but waaaay too lengthy to go viral.
It was on YouTube, but QUITE difficult to find, by comparison to the Prime Minister’s foray into Pop Singer Territory, when he sang a Beatles song with YoYo Ma !
The American Government, amid much hue and cry, hand-wringing and name-calling, passed a Health Care Reform, which will (reportedly) extend Medical Coverage to help more people.
There were banners saying it was Communism… Socialism… Barbaric… Overbearing…
I find it ironic, that the country that leads the free world, fears putting into place a program that, at its root, tries to help people.
After the vote, President Obama spoke, and said, in part… “We did not fear our Future, we shaped it.”
Throughout the day, there was a discussion on Twitter, using the #HCR(Health Care Reform) hash tag. Some were for, some against… but using the power of Social Media, I was again able, amidst other chores, tasks and programs, to keep up with the debate, and had tears running down my face, when I read the Tweet heralding their success…
I have a few American friends. Some like this plan, and some fear it.
I believe time will show it to be a good thing… especially my friends who have serious debilitating diseases.
But if it isn’t ? I bet I’ll hear about it on Twitter, first !
Big Feast Bistro in Maple Ridge…
A few days ago, I was driving through Maple Ridge, and on the North-East corner of 227th & 119th, I saw Big Feast Bistro & Catering, which had tweeted about their Grand Opening a week or so earlier. As it was lunchtime, I felt compelled to go and do some “research” !!!
Located right on the corner, it has lots of windows, and a bright, airy venue inside. There are eight or nine tables of varying sizes inside, and a couple of bistro tables outside for nicer days. There was a generous amount of space between all the tables.
I walked to the front counter, and was greeted by the Chef, who happened to be passing by. As all the other Staff were busy with customers, he led me to a table, took me through the Big Feast menu, and said one of the Servers would be with me shortly. Prices for breakfast appeared to start at $6 and the lunch entrees seemed to start at $11.
Sure enough, a few minutes later, a young lady appeared, asking if I was ready to place my order? There were choices for Breakfast or Lunch, and, after some serious deliberating, I chose the “In House Pepper Crusted Roast Beef Panini with Blue Cheese Crème Fraiche, Carmelized Onions and Arugula” with a side of “Citrus Infused Fresh Fruit Salad.” For a drink, I decided to go with “English Breakfast Tea.” She left, and I took another look around my table. The Bistro was quite busy, with most of the tables being occupied. There were four Servers, plus the Chef, from what I could see, and they were all friendly, and, it seemed to me, the perfect balance between attentive and obtrusive. In one area, tucked in a corner was a small play area, to keep children occupied. There was bright music playing softly enough that it didn’t cause the murmur of customer conversation to raise itself in competition.
Before I had a chance to look any further, my Tea was back, and although I was by myself, it came in a large pot, which was delightful. I had barely finished putting the bag into my pot, and sugar in my cup, when my sandwich arrived.
First bite, and I was in Heaven. I cannot recall a time when I have SO enjoyed a sandwich, as much as I enjoyed that Panini.
I was raised to mind my manners, and when in restaurants, I TRY to behave better than I sometimes do when I am at home… but there was nothing for it… I took my finger, and licked every drop of the Blue Cheese Crème Fraiche off the plate! (And I raised my Fruit Salad cup in toast to Chef Mike.)
So, if you are out and about, in Maple Ridge…
No, strike that !!!
Make plans, to ensure that you ARE out and about in Maple Ridge, and drop by the Big Feast Bistro and Catering Company. They are located at 11920 227th Street in Maple Ridge. They are open every day of the week, from 8 am to 4 pm. According to their website, they also have classes available, in addition to the Bistro and Catering businesses.
Their tag line says “Feasts for the everyday”. Check it out, it will be well worth your while !!!
Wordless Wednesday, Featuring Chloe Woodin…
Three Chords and the Truth by Chloe Woodin
11 by Chloe Woodin
In order to make another attempt at a Wordless Wednesday Blog entry, I resorted to badgering Chloe Woodin to allow me to post her photos.
I had received a framed picture of a guitar, as a Christmas present from her, and it is displayed proudly in my BobSongs Studio.
I pestered her into creating a Flickr Account, and posting some of her photos there.
In addition to having (IMO) a stunning eye for composition, she is an amazing talent, as shown by one of the pairs of Chuck’s All Stars she’s designed… and the pencil drawing of the Flower. She also plays the piano amazingly well… despite the fact that she is not yet out of High School.

88 by Chloe Woodin
It will be interesting to see what the future holds, with so many avenues open…

Only 10 by Chloe Woodin

MWR-08 Shoes – Drawn on White Shoes by Chloe Woodin

Chloe’s Flower – Pencil Sketch
My 25 Cents Worth Of Hockey Talk…
I’m a big Hockey fan.
I have the Canuck games, scheduled into my Blackberry, so I get sent a reminder on Game Day, notifying me of game time, and where the game is being played.
I have been a Hockey fan, pretty much since I can remember. Saturdays, when I was a kid, was the best night of the week, because the line-up on CBC was Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Hour… Maple Leaf All Star Wrestling… Hockey Night in Canada… and Don Messer’s Jubilee (usually joined in progress)
I remember being really excited when Aunt Beth and Uncle Gordie gave me a Canucks Jersey for Christmas, in advance of the Canucks’ inaugural season.
Before the Canucks came on the scene, my teams were Montreal, or if they were knocked out… Boston. Even back then, I didn’t care for the Leafs… but I don’t remember why.
Jiffy Pop Popcorn came with iron-on decals inside the lid… and I ALWAYS got the Leafs, and never got the Canadiens !!!
Through the years, I have not changed much. I’m not a hockey fan who can reel off rosters and stats. I follow my team, and have a passing interest in who they are playing, and where the other teams line up. I can tell you maybe one or two players for most eastern Teams, but because the schedule doesn’t allow for as many Conference Games (East-West) as Divisional Games (By Region) I know the players of the Calgary Flames or the Edmonton Oilers, better than I know the Tampa Bay Lightning or the Washington Capitals.
So, in a nutshell, I am a dyed-in-the-wool Canucks fan. When cut, I bleed Blue. I believe we are all Canucks. But, more than that, I am a fan of the game.
In my forty something years of fandom, I have seen Hockey evolve.
The first player I ever became aware of, was Yvan Cournoyer. Number 12 on the Montreal Canadiens. When I ran across the basement, of my parents’ house to the strains of the Hockey Night In Canada theme-song ? I was “the RoadRunner” … Yvan Cournoyer.
Again, not being a stat guy, I couldn’t rattle off Goals, Assists, Time on the Ice, Penalty Minutes or any of the other stats that flew from some kids brains… I just knew he was a talented hockey player who was small and fast. And being one of the smallest kids in my class, I appreciated that.
Throughout the intervening years, there were many times where it became apparent that the game was changing, and players were bigger, faster and tougher… but none so much as the recent 2010 Olympic Gold Medal Game. After Canada won the game, and as Team Canada stood there, getting their medals, the camera panned slowly, left to right, as each player was recognized. One player caught my eye, because he was substantially shorter than the rest. I wasn’t sure who he was, as I hadn’t caught his name, but I made a note of his Jersey Number, and afterwards, looked him up. Dan Boyle. He WAS the shortest guy on the team, by quite a bit. He was 5′ 10″ Most players seemed to be 6’4″ or 6’5″
The reason I bring this up, is that the game I love, has been tainted, of late, with mentions of thuggery.
Hits to the head, and hits from behind are becoming the norm, and far too commonplace. The words “season ending injury” have been spoken too much, and too often.
There have always been fights, and there have always been agitators. However, the technology has advanced, the players are bigger, faster, more athletic and their equipment is made of light, but rock solid components. The rinks, once reserved exclusively for Hockey, are now serving multiple purposes, and not all arena walls have the same “give,” to allow the absorption of an impact.
I believe that the NHL Players Association, in conjunction with the Team Owners, have a responsibility to the fans like me. I love Hockey, but I don’t want to see ANYONE carted off the ice on a stretcher, and it is only a matter of time, at this rate, until someone gets carted off in a body bag. This is not Afghanistan, and no one should die, chasing an iced puck.
Accidents and injuries have always happened… Again referencing Yvan Cournoyer, he had serious back trouble, and missed a whole season because of it. However, the types of injuries, and the severity of the injuries, in my opinion, requires immediate action.
If I was in charge, I would like to see a Three Strike Policy.
Again, as I’ve already stated, I acknowledge that there will be accidents, and with the speed at which the players are moving, and how the game is played, those accidents are unavoidable. This is the reason for the Three Strike Policy.
Some players, lacking in skill, make the team because they are big, tough, and are a physical, visible deterrent.
Some players, are fast and ornery. Quick with a stick in the ribs in the corner… and just as apt to bring an elbow up when checking, as they are to breathe.
Those players have to be kept in check, and if they cannot control themselves, must be expunged from the game itself.
For the first two strikes, the standard rules should apply, as being discussed currently.
On a Third Strike, when a player is injured, the person causing the injury should have to sit out, as long as the person he injures.
Matt Cooke, for example, has had more strikes that most, so if his hit on Marc Savard causes Savard to sit out the rest of the season… so should Cooke.
Alexander Ovechkin, arguably one of the most skilled players, currently in the Game, and a marquis draw whereever the Washington Capitals go… is also a player who is said to play with a lot of “edge”. His hit on Brian Campbell, breaking Campbell’s collar bone, was another in a long line of similar incidents. But, because he is a star, he gets dealt with, in a different manner.
Steve Downie, another goon, recently laid a hit on Sidney Crosby, wrenching his knee.
Colin Campbell, the NHL Executive, who has the unenviable job of trying to equitably hand out justice, in context with the past, has to wipe clean the slate, because in the past, there has been no context. Sean Avery, who made some crude and vulgar comments in a press briefing, was thrown out “indefinitely” for an admittedly crass comment… but injuring an opponent, and ending their season only gets Ovechkin a two game suspension ? Nothing even-handed there ! The ruler, against which past transgressions have been measured, has been broken for a while, and should be discarded.
Colin Campbell has to start fresh, with a mandate from the Players’ Association and Team Owners, to get rid of the “intent to injure” hits that can destroy a team’s chances of winning the Stanley Cup.
In that way, a small, fast player, like Yvan Cournoyer, could again take the ice, and play with passion and talent, knowing that if someone tries to remove his head from his shoulders, that there will be a fresh, even-handed approach to punishing the player causing the injury, and the Team that player plays for… regardless of their “star power.”
And then let me get back to watching my Canucks win the Stanley Cup !!!
Fraser Valley Bead Show
A lifetime ago, my wife and I made glass lampwork beads, as a hobby. We got proficient enough that it eventually evolved into a diversionary side business. We had a booth at many local craft shows and it was a life, outside our regular lives.
I’m not sure exactly when it started… But a flood of craft stores like Michaels and Crafts Canada, and stores such as HomeSense and Winners that sold inexpensive seasonal decorations… gave Local Craft Shows a tough time, and many shows folded their tents.
I was delighted to hear, this weekend, that a local Bead Show has overcome the odds, and expanded to add a Spring Show to their already successful Fall Show !
The Fraser Valley Bead Show is starting today, March 12th, and runs through Sunday March 14th. It is being held in the Conference Centre at the Executive Inn, at 405 North Road in Coquitlam.
At the show, you’ll find over 30 vendors, some local, some far flung, and all having a beautiful variety and array of wares. Tools, seed beads, lampwork beads, art glass, findings, chains and booklets. Starter kits and lessons. Many, many, MANY beads for Pandora and Troll bracelets.
Already assembled earrings, necklaces, rings and brooches, sit next to the loose beads.
As a former bead-maker, I was more drawn to the lampwork beads, and there were some stunning examples of those… Which, sadly, the photos never catch the full essence of their beauty… (Especially when I forget my camera, and only have my BlackBerry.)
If you have a hankering for beads of any kind, or just to have a look, I would heartily suggest heading to Coquitlam, ponying up your $7 admission charge, and wallow in the goodness and camaraderie of fellow bead lovers.
Thanks to: Fire Design Beads, Caliente Art Glass, & Bella Vista Glass Art for letting me take pictures that sadly do NO justice to their stunning products and creations. Thanks also to the artist who didn’t have business cards, and whose name I wrote down and subsequently lost the slip of paper, but who had a most beautiful booth.
Furry Steering Wheel Cover…
For Christmas, Santa gave me a furry steering wheel cover.
I have, for years, decried such accessories as affectations, and foolishness… having been raised in a house where my Father, who was a TERRIBLE driver, felt that most accessories interfere with a driver’s control. Being taught to drive, by him, when I was 16 years old, and being a youth who had not yet found his place or identity in the world… many of the judgements he made, despite his own bad driving habits, became deeply entrenched, and eventually, my own. I do not allow ANYTHING to be put on the dashboard, while the car is moving… not even for a moment. I do not allow anything to dangle from my mirror. I insist on the back headrests being removed from the back seat. (We don’t have kids) And I have always fought the comfort and warmth of a steering wheel cover.
The seed was planted when I was young. Comfort was bad. Comfort was unsafe. Comfort was living on the edge. (Actually, driving with my Dad was living on the edge… but that is another Blog, for another time…)
For years, my wife had complained that, even though we park our Car in a garage, the steering wheel made my hands cold, and while driving, if I went to hold her hand… mine would be too cold… and she had offered on many occasions to purchase for me, the gift of a steering wheel cover, so that my hands would not be cold, coming in contact with the cold steering wheel. I spurned all such offers. Comfort was bad. Comfort was unsafe.
But, Santa gave me a furry steering wheel cover… and when Santa gives a gift… whether it is an ugly sweater, dogs playing poker painting, or as in this case, a furry steering wheel cover… it would be ungracious to not use it. Plus, as Santa knows and sees all… realistically, it is in my best interest for Christmas’s still to come, to be on Santa’s good side. Santa knows when you make a face, and don’t use a gift that “he” has gone to a lot of trouble to pick out for you.
So, on Boxing Day, the steering wheel cover got installed on the steering wheel… and it was nice. Warm, soft and comfy. Toasty to the touch, on the coldest of winter mornings.
As I write this, it is a beautiful day, in early March.
I live on the West Coast of Canada, and for the past few weeks, we have had a succession of gorgeous sunshiny days. We enjoyed great weather for the bulk of the Olympics, and now that we are in March, the sunshine, warm weather and blue skies continue.
This morning, on my way to an appointment in North Van, in a car driving beside me, I saw what appeared to be a thirty-something male, driving with his T-Shirt off. It is THAT warm.
I look at the steering wheel, adorned with the its fluffy grey fun fur coat, and wonder if it is time to put the gift from Santa away, until next Fall ?
Certainly, with flowers bursting into bloom, and trees beginning to show signs of the buds becoming blossoms… it is surely Spring.
So… I slip the cover off the steering wheel, and feel the hard firm plastic that, for so very long, was the epitome and definition of driving safety. It sits on the passenger’s seat beside me, on the long drive home. I know it is an inanimate object, and has no feelings or thought… but because of its elastic, it curls up into a ball, like one of my cats.
Oh, what the heck, I’ll keep it on another month. You NEVER know when we’re gonna get a cold snap !!!
Thanks, Santa !!!