Canucks’ Season: “Now Close The Window” by Robert Frost…
Now Close The Window
by Robert Frost
Now close the windows and hush all the fields:
If the trees must, let them silently toss;
No bird is singing now, and if there is,
Be it my loss.
It will be long ere the marshes resume,
I will be long ere the earliest bird:
So close the windows and not hear the wind,
But see all wind-stirred.
I look forward, as I always do… to next year.
We are ALL Canucks !!!

My first Hockey Jersey
Home Decorating For The Birds…
Guest Blog by Lorie Gray:
I’ve had this in my head for a while, and today, concept became fruition !
While Bob was cleaning up the garage, he came across a sleeve of chicken wire my Dad had made, and some old plates.
It’s definitely a rainy day project.
For any of you knitters and/or crocheters, who never throw anything out – like me – I have all kinds of bits and pieces of yarn.
You might find this kind of fun – a home decorating centre for the birds in your neighbourhood!
We’ve recently found a bird nest in our backyard, and we’re hoping they’ll use these little bits of yarn to make a funky and colourful nest.
Stay tuned!
All you need is two old plates, some chicken wire, a threaded rod, some rubber washers, a wing-nut and a light hook.
Drill a hole in the centre of both plates, put the rod through, light hook on one end, wing-nut on the other… (cushioning the plate with the rubber washers)
Sit back and enjoy !!!
Cat-astrophic Week…
One of our furry “children” had a rough week this week, as a result of a blocked bladder.
He has been in a succession of Vet’s Offices, starting with the Animal Emergency Clinic of the Fraser Valley, an after hours clinic we took Bailey to on Tuesday night.
Wednesday morning, we transferred him to our regular wonderful Vets at East Ridge Animal Hospital, in Maple Ridge.
He’s been there since, and been getting great care… as always !!!
We’re about an hour away from what we HOPE will be a home-coming for him… and I was just downloading some pictures, and so I thought I would share some… because I AM a crazy cat person !!!
And, because I am an equally loving kitty Dad, here is a picture of Barnum, just being cute!
Jean B’s Christmas Visit To Room 11…
Just arrived at the Sooke Harbour House for a few days away, and checked into Room 11, which is the Forager Room.
It is a beautiful room, with a lovely open feel… a great wood-burning fireplace… secluded patio… homey sitting area…
Well, here, you can see for yourself !
There are a number of nice touches, including complementary homemade cookies and port upon arrival.
As the various thoughtful touches revealed themselves, we discovered a Dream Journal.
Normally, I am the kind of guy who likes to believe that I was the first person to stay in any room… but in this case, it was a diary with a few entries made by some of the previous occupants of the room.
Most remark upon the beautiful setting, the wildlife, the garden and the wonderful staff.
Jean B‘s entry from December 25th, 2009, was very different.
It was her first stay here, since her husband of almost 61 years, had passed away.
“I’m finding it hard, being here alone.”
What a wonderful, courageous woman… striking out on her own, and following through with a tradition, shortly after her husband’s death.
Recently, through the internet, I came across the story of Shaira Holman, who is walking across Canada, in a Walk For Love, to honour her wife, Catherine White-Holman, who died in a plane crash last year.
Reading Jean’s words, gave this beautiful room a wonderful history… beyond being a beautiful room in an exquisite resort.
It made it a special, almost sacred place, where Jean and Don had stayed 35 times… often to celebrate their anniversary.
Like the feeling one gets sometimes, in a church, or a chapel… there was a sense of shared history… and shared joy.
Others have sat on the patio, and remarked upon a frolicking deer, or a lumbering weasel.
Some have been awakened by Otters, peering through the solarium windows.
Of all the words written in the Dream Journal, perhaps none are more poignant or powerful than the closing sentence of Jean’s entry…
“I’m glad I came.”
I have to go now. I must try to find the words to write my entry in the Dream Journal… something that we can review, upon subsequent visits, and something that will hopefully bring a smile to Jean, the next time she visits.
Kateslem After School Program…
Last night, my wife and I were invited to a Birthday Party/Fundraiser, at the John B Pub in Coquitlam.
It was an opportunity to get a group of friends together, and make the husband of one of the volunteers REALLY uncomfortable, while supporting a program that his wife helps out with!
Win Win!!!
It was great seeing our friends again, and catching up… on what was new with the old crowd.
As always at these types of events, the volunteers were busy selling raffle tickets, 50/50 tickets and chances on a sheet full of Lottery Tickets. They’d sold tickets through the Pub, for a burger and beer combo.
I think we’ve all been involved in these types of fund-raisers, and we’ve probably all chipped in to help friends/family or groups we support, raise money.
Just before they had the prize draws, they called for quiet, to make some introductions.
Sitting in a corner, I was at first not paying much attention, as these were all folks I was sure I didn’t know.
As they continued, my ears perked up.
There was a Federal Senator… A Mayor… Several City Councillors… Others, whose names I recognize as being important community builders.
And I had heard NOTHING about this program.
So, plagiarizing massively from their brochure, let me tell you what I NOW know about the Kateslem After School Program.
Kateslem After School Program provides vulnerable youth with a positive, consistent, supportive and safe after school environment.
Kateslem aims to empower youth through experiences and skill development.
The individual’s abilities and needs, in relation to their family, peers, school and community, are valued and respected.
They help the kids with homework. They also help with literacy, life, health, nutrition and hygiene skills. Promote Community Service and leadership. Provide recreational activities. Build friendships, and provide lessons in conflict resolution.
But what does it ALL MEAN ?!?
The word Kateslem is a First Nations word meaning “coming together”.
Kateslem currently operates After School Programs in Coquitlam, at Banting Middle School and Como Lake Middle School. The Programs run concurrent with the school year, from September to June.
Kids between the ages of 11 and 14, from Banting Middle School or Como Lake Middle School in Coquitlam, are eligible.
There is no registration fee for the youths, although they are required to bring one item of non-perishable food per month, to help those in need in the community. The students can be referred by a teacher, parent, or counselor. Or the students can sign themselves up.
From everything I read, and the people I met… this is a great program, and one that other communities should probably get on board with!
The group itself is currently supported by teachers, school administrators, parents, community workers, and civic leaders. They are working together to see Kateslem through the next step of its progress… becoming a Registered Charity… so that sustained growth and progress can continue.
If you would like more information, would like to help, or know of a Youth At Risk who could benefit from the Kateslem Program, please contact Ms. Karyn Bell, Coordinator. Her e-mail address is or you can call her at 604-250-9332… or you can follow them on Twitter !!!
Graham James Pardoned…
I’m riled.
I get that way sometimes, when I read about Bullies.
I was a small kid, but I was able to look after myself, a bit. I could bluff my way out of fights, by saying I knew martial arts.
Some kids are not so lucky.
I just read a Canadian Press article, which says, in part:
OTTAWA — Graham James, the junior coach convicted of sexually abusing his players in a case that rocked the hockey world from house leagues to the NHL, has been pardoned by the National Parole Board, The Canadian Press has learned.
Though the pardon was granted three years ago, it comes to public light only now as a result of a previously unknown accuser contacting Winnipeg police.
A shocked Prime Minister’s Office, notified of the pardon by The Canadian Press, called it a “deeply troubling and gravely disturbing” development that demands an explanation from the parole board.
Graham James was a Junior Hockey coach, who plead GUILTY to sexually assaulting two former teenage players.
Other people have come forward to say that they were ALSO assaulted by James, including former NHL star Theoren Fleury.
I believe that, in some cases, if someone has “served their time”… then fair game, they should be able to integrate back into society.
All bets are off, when a Pedophile who has been convicted of sexually assaulting teenagers, asks for and gets a Pardon.
Pardon me, but SCREW that!
James whereabouts are currently unknown.
He could be living next door to your family… and even if a background check is run on him?
Apparently, because of the Pardon, his criminal record is kept in a separate file, and wouldn’t show on the CPIC system. That’s the database where RCMP and other Police Departments do their checks.
I will next, be sending a letter to my MP, asking how it is possible that high profile sexual predators like Graham James can get what appears to be preferential treatment?
I would invite and suggest you do the same.
If you do not know who your Member of Parliament is, or how to contact them, you can get that information from the Government of Canada website:
I cannot believe that he was granted a Pardon… let alone OVER THREE YEARS AGO !
Tough on Crime?
When the Conservatives recently prorogued Parliament, they killed several Bills which would have strengthened the fight against predators like James. True, he already has his Pardon, and is laughing, I’m sure, somewhere tonight, as the news breaks.
Tough on Crime?
My Aunt Fanny.
I’m riled, and I hope you are too!