Not sure where they came from, but it appears that in this slow starting Summer, we have a few pesky vermin, who have moved into our neighbourhood.
And, from the fact that they have been expiring, I would say that one of my neighbours has taken exception to their existence, and has laid down (if not some law) some poisonous bait.
This isn’t really a surprise, as we have a number of OTHER neighbours who are wanting to go crunchy granola organic, and have begun composting, and I’m not sure that they have 100% vermin-proofed their steaming piles of compostal buffet.
However, that isn’t the crux of my blog…
I have rats.
Four dead rats.
Being a “play by the rules” kind of guy… I have made a number of phone calls. A LOT of phone calls. A SURPRISING number of phone calls.
A number of people have confirmed for me, that I am, indeed, not allowed to put them into my regular garbage, as they are considered hazardous waste.
However, no one is able to tell me what I CAN do with them !!!
I’ve talked to the Pitt Meadows City Hall.
They referred me to the Fraser Health Authority Main Office, who referred me to the Fraser Health Authority Tri-Cities Office, who patched me through to someone who was away for a week.
So I started fresh with Waste Management, who collect the garbage that I am not allowed to put the corpses into. I knew they wouldn’t take it, but thought they might know where to put it… but they don’t.
I called the folks who are in charge of the Public Works, and they were away from their desks. I didn’t leave a message.
Then I tried someone else, (and I’ll be honest, I lost track at this point) and they weren’t able to help me, but they did give me the number for the Animal Control department.
I talked to a wonderful lady there, and she said she would find out who is in charge.
Some time later, she called back, somewhat abashedly, and said that no one knows who is in charge of disposing of vermin… but they are having a meeting tomorrow, and after the meeting, she’ll come and get my rats, and she’s pretty sure it’ll get sorted out quickly, and a policy will be decided, once there are dead rats, sitting on someone’s desk.
Apparently I am the first person to EVER have a dead rat in Pitt Meadows. (Pauses to bask in the glory.)
I’m not sure it’ll get me very far in life, to have *that* on a plaque on my desk… but at the least, I thought it blog-worthy.
Oh, and when they decide a policy on Vermin Disposal, and let me know ?
I’ll post the answer in a follow up blog, so whoever gets Rat number five, can have a head start !!!
So You Think You Can Dance…
Tonight is the beginning of another season of the TV Show “So You Think You Can Dance“, and I am SO pleased.
Last night, as we watched the season finale of American Idol, I thought about the difference between the shows, and why AI does not enthrall me, the way that SYTYCD does.
Tonight, as I watched the premiere edition, I felt a twinge of excitement, and I realized the difference.
American Idol is interesting television for me… Being a songwriter, I find the glimpse into “getting a shot” interesting. Where the show falls flat for me, is through the various weekly themes, and the so-called “mentoring” sessions… the only professional who has EVER taken ANY time at all to tailor the performances and arrangements, was Harry Connick Jr, who devoted a full week, to working with, developing and (down to performance notes) gave the aspiring singers his attention and feedback.
SYTYCD is a dance show, but it is also a throw back to the entertainment days of Ed Sullivan and Carol Burnett, where a show would have a dance vignette… sometimes funny… sometimes sad… but ALWAYS entertaining.
And that is what makes the Dance show a more compelling TV series… The preliminary shows are the usual compilations of individual auditions, and although I have never been a dancer, even I can see the difference between some of the dancers who have “it”… and others who do not possess the gift. However, it is the later stages of the shows, where I most enjoy the series… once the choreographers start to work with the dancers, after they pass the auditions… THEN we get to see the growth and struggles. The choreographers are working with them to teach them the steps, the style, and the attitude of the particular dance piece. The basics, and the nuances. So, unlike Idol, where the singer stands alone on stage, bearing the brunt of the song choice, performance, and arrangement, the dancers and their choreographer are working together with both trying to get the best out of each other, and stretching the limits on performance and ability. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it falls flat. Frequently, there is a moment that gives pause, and takes your breath away.
A lot of people I talk to about SYTYCD say… “Yeah, but I don’t like dancing” or… “I’m more of a “sports” guy”
I like sports too. And I used to say the same thing to my wife, before I started watching.
Now, I look at these dancers, and I can see the athletes. I’ve seen dancers have season-ending tendon injuries. Watched people with broken hand bones struggle to stay in the competition. Watched as dancers shift from rehearsal, into high gear, as they up their games.
It isn’t a sport… but they are amazing athletes, and it is certainly a competition!!!
And it starts tonight!!!
Out From Underneath…
Hi, and welcome to BobSongs’ new home.
Yup, it is in transition, and there are a few things (images) missing… right now.
As regular readers know, about a month ago, the Web Host where my Blog was hosted, made some stupid and irrational changes, and as a consequence, my Blog was offline for a few days.
When I returned, they were neither particularly apologetic, nor were they helpful… so they lost my business.
I am now with BillyHost, a local Web Hosting company who wants and appreciates my business… and most importantly, answers the phone.
I have brought a few friends along with me, and they are also enjoying their new hosting home.
I didn’t want to wait any longer for a reply for assistance, so I’m building the site from scratch…
I just wanted to get out from underneath.
I know… it is TOTALLY pig-headed and stupid… but I had been looking for an excuse to rebuild the website, and not wanting to wait around for help from my OLD Host was as good a one, as I could find.
I hope to have the bulk of stuff up soon.
If you come across something that you think I should know about, please e-mail me !!!
Rain Chain Fountain…
A few years ago, we acquired a Rain Chain, which my sweetie wanted me to attach to a fountain.
We spent a LOT of hours on it, and it never really worked well.
There were a series of “opportunities“… (because there are no problems, only opportunities,) which caused “collective angst”:
- The first pump wasn’t powerful enough to pump water up 8 feet.
- The second pump was TOO powerful.
- The container was too small.
- The water splashed too much.
- And the killer… we didn’t have a deck, all last year. (It was being built out of Magic Wood by a solitary, but thorough Magic Elf.)
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So, this year, as we recently unfurled our Garden Furniture, Table and accoutrements… my Sweetie asked when we could work on the Rain Chain Fountain.
I am not, and have never claimed to be a plumber… and am able to visualize most things pretty well… but the limited options and required flexibility kerfoozled me.
Four trips, and two hardware stores later, we had collected the appropriate collection of copper pipe, copper fittings and elbows, flow adjuster, plastic tubing, and required adapters, and could begin assembly version 3.0
I think the results are pretty darn cool… and more importantly, my Sweetie loves it!!!
Guaranteed To Be The Funniest Funeral, Or Your Flowers Back…
Costumes encouraged but optional.
Carla Zilbersmith… Look Out Heaven…
Some of you may have read a while back, a post I wrote about Carla Zilbersmith… I went to school with her.
After school, she left for the bright lights and stages of California… she was successful, being both funny and a natural singer/performer… she got married and had a son Mac… and then she got ALS… Lou Gehrig’s Disease.
Late last week, her son Mac, who has taken over the writing on the CarlaMuses Blog, announced on Facebook that Carla was nearing the end of her journey…
Carla…”is sleeping now, and likely won’t wake up again. You don’t have to be in pain anymore, Mom.”
I don’t have a point, and have nothing to add.
I’ve just been looking at their Blog entries, and am stunned at the courage, humour and honesty, with which both Carla and her mature-beyond-his-years son faced down a horrible disease…
It will certainly kill her, but the disease NEVER took the life from her.
Look out Heaven… there is a wild redhead coming your way, and she is gonna cause a ruckus !!!