Building A Cabinet…

A while ago, my wife and I found an antique mailbox.

(The link to that post is here…)

I wasn’t sure how I was going to design a case to hold it, so it took longer than I thought it would… but such is the way of life !

I knew that I wanted the cabinet to be “rough looking”, so I went on the hunt for some rough hewn wood.

Antique Mailbox Storage & Stereo Cabinet Project - BobBlahBlah.comA few years ago, I had found a place on Westwood Street in Coquitlam that sold wood salvaged from old buildings.  When I went back, this time, the fellow only had a few bits left, as he just wasn’t able to find a constant supply, and so had shut down the business.  He had about 15′ of 1″ thick barn boards made from old growth Douglas Fir, and 10′ of Douglas Fir Tongue and Groove.  The Barn Boards were wonderful old wood, with knot holes, nail marks and although I wasn’t sure there was enough wood, I grabbed it for the $30 he was asking!Antique Mailbox Storage & Stereo Cabinet Project -


Over the next few weeks, I kept looking at the wood, and measuring the cabinet, and finally figured a way to make it work.  The boards were 12″ wide, and so I made my own rough tongue and groove planks, 5.75″ wide, and joined them together to make the 16″ deep cabinet I needed.

What I DIDN’T think about, was that because the wood was so old, so dry, and slightly warped… not all the planks wanted to go into place, and so a few splits showed up while I was forming the sides… but I just added some biscuit joins, and clamped it back down again.

The real test came when I was trying to custom fit the slots and wires that were on the side of the mailbox assembly, and create notches and grooves for all the “sticky-outy bits.”  Took a while, but we got there.

Assembly day, and turns out the cabinet is 25″ wide, and I only have 24″ clamps.  Fortunately, my Father-In-Law has a workshop full of tools, and he was happy to loan me some clamps that were big enough.

Antique Mailbox Storage & Stereo Cabinet Project - BobBlahBlah.comBetween the sides and the shelves, the “big” chunks of wood were all gone, and at this point, I wasn’t sure how I was going to make the doors, but I thought  I would see if the cabinet frame worked first, and cross that bridge when I got there.

I supported the mailbox on a piece of 3/4″ plywood, with a 2″ strip of Fir on the front (to make pretty) dado cut into the sides.

The top was fastened with a biscuit joiner to the top of the sides, exposing the T&G top, and showing some of the nicer wood “character”.There were a ton more steps, and the doors were a challenge, because I had to make them out of three different small chunks of wood, because I didn’t have enough large pieces left… but in the end it is done (other than, from the back view, you will see that we have some re-wiring to do.)Antique Mailbox Storage & Stereo Cabinet Project -


It has been a bit of a challenge, and a large puzzle to wrap my brain around… but that is the sort of project that I find VERY engaging.


As I look at it, I am quite pleased with it, and once the cables are tidy, I’m sure I will like it even more.

In the meantime, I thank you for your patience, because I have not been posting to my Blog, as often as I normally do… because I’ve been working on this.


Because I’ve been working on this, and it is nearly done, I thought I would post it to my Blog!



Kateslem Walk To Protect Kids…

This coming Friday, in Coquitlam, an after school program will be taking to the streets, to raise funds and awareness of their program.

Kateslem is an after school program that tries to ensure quality learning opportunities for vulnerable youth.

Kateslem After School Program in Coquitlam - Walk to Protect Kids - BobBlahBlah.comThe program is currently being run out of Banting and Como Lake Middle Schools.

You can find out more about the program on their webpage:

The Walk starts at Banting Middle School at 4pm.

(Banting Middle School is located at 820 Banting Drive, Coquitlam)

It will proceed along North Road to Austin, up Austin to Como Lake Middle School.

(which is on the corner of Gatensbury & Prince Albert)

It sounds like it will be a fun event, and I hope you can attend… or support their program with a donation.

Here is a PDF, with the details.

Come on out, it’ll be a great afternoon for a great cause!



Ridge Meadows Terry Fox Run…

This morning I got up early, got ready, and headed over to the Hammond Community Centre for the Terry Fox Run.


Stop laughing !!!

I was volunteering… not running.Maple Meadows Terry Fox Run -


But, on a serious note, it was the 30th Annual Run…  (but I’m ashamed to say) …my first one.

Sandy Wakeling, a friend on Twitter, and I had been “talking” during the recent Stand Up 2 Cancer broadcast, about our HATE for Cancer.

(Usually, HATE is too strong a word… but with Cancer, I’ll make an exception.)

He asked me if I was participating in the upcoming Pitt Meadows/Maple Ridge Terry Fox Run.  I said no, but I would love to help if he knew where I could volunteer.  He did, and so it was that I found myself, just before 8 am on a drizzling Sunday morning, headed across a parking lot to find out what I could do to assist the folks who were there.

We set up tents, carried juice boxes, unloaded t-shirts… all amid a crowd of smiling folks.Maple Meadows Terry Fox Run -

Met some awesome folk:  Joanne, Betty, Hank, Tami, Barry and a couple of Bruce’s.  (There were more folks, but I’ll do better with names next year !)

As the race got closer to being underway, I was asked if I was okay with directing traffic, and sent out to guard and guide traffic and pedestrians at the intersection of 114 & 207.

The Run was broken down into three distances:  1 kilometre, 5 kilometres & 10 kilometres.

When I got to 207th, Officers from the Ridge Meadows RCMP detachment were already there, and waiting to help control traffic… so our jobs became the more joy-filled purpose, of simply cheering the soggy runners on.

Shortly after 10 am, the run started.

… and so did the rain.


Maple Meadows Terry Fox Run - BobBlahBlah.comIt started with gentle showers, and progressed to a monsoon-like deluge.

I have never been outside in such a downpour.

And from the smiles and grins on the face of the runners… you would never have known the sun wasn’t shining.


The crowd was (reportedly) bigger than ever, and I can’t remember ever volunteering at an event, where so many people were so happy to be there.

And then the light show started !

Lightning and thunder… pretty close to overhead.

Those participants holding umbrellas and those of us holding Stop signs, gave a gulp of surprise… shook off the rain, and kept going.

There are many stories that I came across today… those of Cancer survivors, and some folks who came in memory of someone who had lost their fight…. but none touched me as much as the lady who about 9:40 came along, and asked me if she was going the right way.

Maple Meadows Terry Fox Run - BobBlahBlah.comMany people had been asking directions to the Community Centre, where the start was, as it is buried in the midst of a residential neighbourhood… so I started to give her directions to the start, and she interrupted me, and explained, they had already been there.

This was her 30th year doing the “Run“, and every year, it was taking her a little longer to get around.

So, because she didn’t want to hold anyone up, and to avoid being jostled by the crowd… she and her companion (maybe a daughter ?) had started early.

They came across my intersection again… which means they did at least the 5 km route… close to the end of the crowd, as the Run was winding down.

Soaked through, but grinning from ear to ear, you could tell she was pleased that she was close to completing another year’s Terry Fox Run.

I wanted to take her picture… but the rain was lashing down, and my Blackberry was already soaked through (along with the rest of us) so it will have to wait for next year, when I’m sure I shall see her again !

Thanks to all the cheery people who came out on a rainy day to play in the big puddle the roads turned into… the volunteers who laughed in the rain… and the one special lady who reminded me that sometimes to just complete the race, is its very own reward.


Here is a link to a Video on Youtube, done by ESPN in tribute to Terry Fox.

Job Search Black Hole…

I am sad, but my fears have been confirmed.

Regular readers will know that I am unemployed.

I quit my last job, a while back, and have been looking online and applying for positions on, Government of Canada Jobsite, Jobs604, Craigslist and lots of others.

Very few acknowledgements, and nothing that came to anything.

Today, my sweetie was reading the Metro Paper, and came across an article...

It says, in part:

Employment guidebook author Margaret Riley Dikel calls it a “black hole,” and Ford Myers, president of Career Potentials consulting firm, agrees.

“Very, very few online applications are ever read or responded to,” Myers says. “Good jobs don’t get posted in the first place.”

Greeeeeaaaaaaaat !!!

So, I’m writing this post, changing my direction, and getting back out into the world… Old School !!!

Like the song says:   Pick myself up…  Dust myself off… Start all over, again !!!


(I hope I have as much success as Fred and Ginger !!!)

What Price Freedom…

I am not a great one to be able to spout off details of either the US Constitution, nor the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

I have, I believe, a fairly pragmatic viewpoint… that both frameworks were written with the perspective that the Documents try to cover a LOT of ground, and deal with some pretty vast and ranging themes, and the intent was to provide a structure upon which the finer points could be worked out by courts.  So, I believe, the Writers’ purpose was to provide a framework… a structure upon which, additional structure could be added as needed… but largely leaving the INTENT of the document, intact.

When drafted, both these documents were written from a perspective of honourable, virtuous integrity.  The language of these texts, assumes that the citizens will act in a responsible manner.  And this is where, when taken to an extreme, that my viewpoint falters.

I believe that the documents contain the purpose, that citizens will act in the same caring manner and perspective, with which it was written.

So, rather than simply quoting the Second Amendment’s right to “to keep and bear arms…We must look at the intent of the writers, at a time where they were without a national army, declaring independence from a foreign power, and look at the Amendment, in its entirety:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Similarly, the First Amendment talks of freedoms granted:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It says that folks can collect, speak and practice religion, as they wish.

I don’t think it says that it is a good idea to collectivize a religious group as zealots, nor do I read anything about taking their precious religious writings, and burning them, as an exercise.  I don’t believe that was the INTENT or PURPOSE of the writers, to make those freedoms available.


To decide what is, and what ISN’T appropriate, comes to a point where citizens must choose for themselves if they will accept an act as being correct in perspective… or it should be allowed, but ignored, as an act of ill-conceived hatred.

I myself, do not like that someone is talking about burning a Quran.

I believe it is a mis-guided act of hatred, and acts to characterize all Muslims as zealots and extremists.  Extremism, in ANY form, is usually unflattering to the related cause.  The 9-11 Terrorists do not represent Muslims well.  Similarly, I don’t believe Reverend Terry Jones shows a particularly flattering side of the Christian Faith.

But, whether he burns a Quran, or just talks about it… he is hate mongering, in my opinion.  But, within the context of the law, he is seemingly not breaking the law… and the determination of what is legal, is best made by others than I.

If there is a law he breaks by doing it… then throw him in jail.

If there is no law, then we should ignore his actions, WHATEVER they end up being… and focus on others, more important.

It is with that intent, but in the context of these events, that I wrote this post.

I saw a tweet on Twitter, and it brought tears to my eyes.Erindale United Church - Tolerance and Understnading on Display -

Amidst all the outrage, and anger… Hostility and Hate… a Reverend at a church in Mississauga, Ontario has the vision to fight Anger with Peace, and Hate with Love.

In my opinion, if Erindale United Church Reverend Neil Young doesn’t get MASSIVE coverage, with many other churches following suit?  Maybe the idiots are winning…

But I hope, in the hearts and minds of people everywhere, the intent and context of the Constitution and the Charter shine through Reverend Young, and people look at the actions of a church in Mississauga with greater weight, than the actions of a deluded individual with an agenda, somewhere else.

I believe that just because we live in a society where we have freedoms… we have a responsibility to exercise those rights with care… and not everyone does.  But we must be wary of giving those with extreme viewpoints an elevated platform, from which they can broadcast their messages of hate.



Pepsi Is Giving Away Cash To Worthy Groups…

I will admit it… I’m not much of a Cola guy.

I never really “bought into” the Cola War… I thought that the amounts of money being thrown around were ridiculous.

Pepsi Charity Contest - BobBlahBlah.comApparently, Pepsi also believes that there is a better use for their advertising dollars, because they are taking some serious money, and trying to do good in the world.

Pepsi is giving away cash to fund great ideas.

There are a number of different “grass-roots” organizations that have been put forward as suggestions… but ANYONE can suggest an idea.

From their Refresh Everything website, Pepsi says…

We’re looking for individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations with ideas that will have a positive impact on communities.

Anyone can submit an idea, and you just have to log in, to vote for your favorites.

Every “cycle” (2 month period) Pepsi is accepting up to 300 entries from different Organizations, looking for funding.

So, for instance, a number of groups made submissions in August, and the “suggestions” of those groups will receive votes from the public, from September 1st through October 31st.

The “prizes” being awarded to the Groups are:

– 1 award of $100,000

– 2 awards of $25,000

– 3 awards of $10,000

– 4 awards of $5,000

So, every two months, Pepsi is kicking out $200,000 to deserving Charities and Organizations.

There are a number of different categories:  Health, Arts & Culture, Food & Shelter, The Planet, Neighborhoods and Education.

You get 10 votes every day, and can vote for any project once, per day.

As far as projects that are “local” to me, I found “Covenant House” (a Vancouver shelter for homeless Youth), “S.A.I.N.T.S(Senior Animals In Need Today Society), “BCSPCA” (BC Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), and more.

Pepsi Charity Contest -

These are the finalists, who get a share of the first $200,000 !

I would encourage everyone to take a few seconds, log in to the Pepsi Refresh Project page, and help decide how to spend Pepsi‘s money !!!