Merry Christmas !!!
Wordless Wednesday: A Painted Guitar
Supporting Charities and Facebook…
I’ve always been a bit leery of Facebook.
Maybe it is the Farmville thing… but I have never found it as connected an entity as Twitter.
It might just be that you get out of it, what you put into it… but I do most of my Facebook communicating through my Blackberry, so I don’t see all the “other” stuff.
This last week, there was a “thing” on Facebook:
Change your Facebook profile picture to a
cartoon from your childhood and invite your friends to do the same.
Until Monday (Dec.6) There should be no human faces on facebook, but
an invasion of memories. This is for violence against children.
Yeah, I changed my profile pic.
(And, before you start squawking about delusions of grandeur, Mighty Mouse was the subject of the Essay that got me into University, after I wrote the Province-wide English Placement Test in Grade 12.)
But, regardless, as I changed my icon, I thought about this “awareness” campaign, and how it, like LIKING something, usually does no benefit to the cause itself.
(The obvious exception would be a program, like WE Day, where a corporate sponsor steps up, and makes a donation per click or LIKE.)
You should like my OTHER Blog:
It won’t do anything for either of us… but THAT’s my point.
In an economy where people are struggling, let alone Charities… it is becoming common to SHARE or LIKE something, and have a sense of accomplishment.
If an individual is having a struggle, or a tough time, it can be wonderful to have anyone acknowledge your situation or give supportive comments.
But other than an emotional lift or acknowledgement… at the end of the day, it gives no tangible benefit.
Now, to be clear… To an individual, that acknowledgement can be a huge lift.
But to Charities and Organizations, (what I am REALLY writing about here) LIKING or changing an icon only gives an illusion of support.
Most of my friends, who are technically savvy enough, changed their icons to Cartoon Characters.
In a Vancouver Sun article today, it talks about how Canadians are giving less to Charities.
Now I’m not saying that Facebook is 100% responsible… not at all.
Certainly the economic downturn probably bears the greatest portion of the blame… but… it is VERY easy to feel like you are involved, or helping something on Facebook.
I have a few “FRIENDS” who seem to have nothing to do all day but find different pages of Facebook, and suggest it to their connections to LIKE.
The sum total of their day’s efforts, will not benefit any Charities or Organizations in any tangible way, at all.
So, this season, as we get ready for another Holiday Season, keep on changing your icons, and LIKING things… but also be aware and give to the poor soul shivering outside, ringing a bell by the Salvation Army kettle… Buy a Kiva Gift Certificate, and help someone with a Micro-loan… Buy a toy, and put it in the local toybank donation box…
But mostly… be aware that giving a show of support, and actually supporting these Charities and Organizations, are VERY different.
(Oh, and I LIKED this posting on my own Facebook page, for what it’s worth !!!)
Shelter Pet Day…
I just heard that November 30th is Shelter Pet Day.
Of course, our cats came from Katie’s Place, a shelter in Maple Ridge that we love and support.
The people there are loving, wonderful people, and do so much for not only the animals of Pitt Meadows & Maple Ridge, but throughout the whole Province.
That is where we got Barnum & Bailey, and I realized it has been a while since I have posted cute cat pics… so here they are !!!
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Giving Blood – It’s Fast, Easy, Fun & They Have Cookies…
Since before I was able to donate… (as a young teenager) …I have always wanted to give blood.
It is the simplest of donations.
It costs NO money… just a bit of time.
Our bodies produce more blood than we need, so we can spare a bit.
And it helps others tremendously.
I said in the title, that it is fun. That may be an overstatement, depending upon your definition. Everyone is courteous, pleasant, caring, and extremely kind. I like talking to people, and by golly, there are people there. I have fun there… but I have fun most places. Just in case, when you go… take your fun with you.
Why wouldn’t you want to do it ???
And yet a lot of people, don’t.
I’ve lost track of how many times I have donated… (back in the 80s, when it was ONLY tracked on the back of your Donor Card, I “lost” a dozen or so donations when my wallet was lost.) …my card says I’ve donated 31 times.
But I feel proud, every time I see a Canadian Blood Services ad. It IS “in” me to Give.
Over the past few years, my donations have slowed, due to travel for work, and trips with family.
Both the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, and the Shandong Province in China are considered areas where Malaria is found, and so I have to wait a year after returning from each trip.
So, last Friday was the anniversary of my departure from China, and I can give again.
My last three donations were in 2007, and before that, 2004.
The over-lapping travel schedules procluded me from giving blood in between.
But I should be able to get back to donating regularly, again.
And, if you are concerned, as I was, that a medication might make you ineligible to donate… (I take medicine for high cholesterol) …you just call up the 1-888-2-Donate number, and ask to speak to a nurse, and they will tell you whether your medications would prevent you from giving, or if you are okay to give Blood. (You can also go online and get different contact information for the Canadian Blood Services)
It makes me feel good, and it helps people in our community who are battling injuries or illnesses.
Think about your family and friends… Have NONE of them ever had a surgery, or treatment where they required a blood transfusion or a blood product ???
Give back…. it takes an hour, and each donation can save up to three lives. You can donate again, every 56 days.
AND… (if you need further arm twisting…)
At the end, you get cookies… juice… and a sticker that says “Be nice to me, I gave Blood today !!!”
Light Up The World…