Katie’s Place Animal Shelter

There are certain things we hold true in our society:

– That if something bad happens to us, the Police will help us.

– If we have a fire, the Fire Department will come to put it out.

– If there is a small animal being mistreated or abandoned, they will be cared for. In Maple Ridge, the latter was not always true.

Katie's Place Small Animal Shelter in Maple Ridge - BobBlahBlah.comIt was only ten years ago that Katie’s Place Animal Shelter opened its doors, in an old barn, on a country lane off 240th Street.

It began (and still is) a No Kill animal shelter, looking after primarily cats, but along the years they’ve cared for ferrets, guinea pigs, pigs, mice, rats, rabbits, and all kinds of other creatures.

We first heard of Katie’s Place when friends were looking for a cat companion, after losing their cat Molly to FIV.


In the tiny barn, the staff had created large pens to separate the boys and girls, those needing to be isolated due to medical concerns (FIV) and some of the less social kitties, who were abandoned and became feral.

A year later, we got our boys (Barnum and Bailey) from Katie’s Place.

Barnum & Bailey - BobBlahBlah.comIn the intervening years, we have tried to help Katie’s Place, by supporting them with creating awareness and fund-raising, as both my wife and I are only able to spend limited time in the shelter itself, due to allergies.

The volunteers who work there are tireless, caring and loving Moms and Dads to their kitty families, until they find their forever homes.

A few years ago, as the price of land went up, and Maple Ridge was a bubbling real estate market, the housing developments started getting closer and closer to the old red barn.

There was a further fundraising drive, and they were able to move to their current location.

Now, in their new location, with more space, better lighting,  hot and cold running water and waaay fewer draughts, they have been able to lead the charge in caring for animals.

When there was a “cat house” discovered in Merritt with over 100 diseased cats, the folks at Katie’s Place made sure that the cats were not euthanized, and distributed amongst No Kill shelters.

They do this without blinking, without a second thought… over and over again.

This weekend is their 10th Anniversary, and they are having an open house, at their shelter, at 10255 Jackson Road, Maple Ridge — right behind the Maple Ridge SPCA buildings.

Drop by and share the wonderful vibe the place has, and if you can support them with a donation of cash, kitty litter, or cat food, I’m sure their cats will all thank you !!!

See you there !!!



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