Kateslem Walk To Protect Kids…
This coming Friday, in Coquitlam, an after school program will be taking to the streets, to raise funds and awareness of their program.
Kateslem is an after school program that tries to ensure quality learning opportunities for vulnerable youth.
The program is currently being run out of Banting and Como Lake Middle Schools.
You can find out more about the program on their webpage: Kateslem.com
The Walk starts at Banting Middle School at 4pm.
(Banting Middle School is located at 820 Banting Drive, Coquitlam)
It will proceed along North Road to Austin, up Austin to Como Lake Middle School.
(which is on the corner of Gatensbury & Prince Albert)
It sounds like it will be a fun event, and I hope you can attend… or support their program with a donation.
Here is a PDF, with the details.
Come on out, it’ll be a great afternoon for a great cause!