Joseph Kony and Doubters
As quickly as it came on the scene, people have started grumbling about the Joseph Kony “Kony2012” campaign.
The video was filmed over a succession of years, so, just like the hairstyles, some stuff is going to change.
Yes, Kony is no longer in Uganda, where he ruled the roost for many years.
(It says so at 15:03 of the video)
The folks at Invisible Children have posted a reply to some of the questions and concerns that have been floating around the interwebs.
You can read it HERE
Another endorsement was given by Oprah Winfrey, who donated “big dollars” in support of Invisible Children, and had the group on her show twice.
Some people may still have concerns about donating to this campaign.
Fine… then DON’T !!!
(Personally, my wife and I have adopted a foster child in Burkina Faso, and have made over 80 Kiva microloans… and I think Kiva is one of the best organizations going.)
But DO send an e-mail, post a Facebook comment or send a tweet to the 20 celebrities and 12 Political folk, to keep the pressure up.
NOBODY should have to live for 20+ years, with a maniac like Joseph Kony roaming free.