I Am User Friendly…
I spent the bulk of this week helping new Bloggers, and folks who want websites.
I’m also helping them “tweak” their Social Media presences. (AKA… Get rid of the Twitter Bird !!!)
There are quite a number of folks who I have assisted recently. Not because I consider myself an expert… but I am user friendly.
It is always a unique experience, every single time… teaching people to use a computer system, and WordPress is no different.
I always try to cast my mind back to when I started Blogging. But because I had no one to ask questions, I left it alone for far too long.
With a variety of WordPress Themes available, and everybody wanting their blog to serve a different function for them, it is always a delicate balancing act, between overloading them, and giving them enough information so they are not frustrated.
It is also a matter of trying to ensure that what they get, is what they had in mind !!!
The great thing about using WordPress to help them, is the ability to switch most Themes in and out in a few keystrokes.
Beyond the basic Themes… Premium Themes like Beaver Builder offer an even-further customizable Blog experience… but… baby steps.
It is daunting enough getting the first few posts under your belt, and pushing the PUBLISH button for the first time can cause people an unreasonable amount of disquiet. I think most of us have been there.
Fortunately, most of us also begin our Blogging “journey” in the shadows of relative obscurity, where our few readers are usually composed of family and friends, who are kind and supportive, and encourage us to refine our craft, and work out the rough patches to seek out a larger audience.
I hope that the folks I am assisting, enjoy Blogging as much as I do !!!