Hello, Art… It’s Me, Absolut Vodka…
I’m a big fan of Whimsy.
I also like Whimsy”s BFF Serendipity.
The two of them are in town for the next while, under the context of a contest.
Those wacky folks at Absolut Vodka are, in competition with the 2010 Winter Olympics, offering up a HUGE prize to be awarded to a Vancouver Artist. One who defines Vancouver as the ABSOLUTE home of the Arts.
On March 16th, the voting will end, votes tallied, and $120,000.00 will be awarded to the winner.
There are a total of 5 finalists, and all of them, I’m sure would benefit from receiving such an award. Really, who wouldn’t ??? Most artists struggle, and in this economy, with Arts funding cutbacks, the struggle is only that much greater, I’m certain.
You can vote, on the Contest Website, here…
As I’ve said in a previous post, I don’t know much about Art… but in my opinion, one Artist’s work stands out…
Vancouver has long been called the “City of Glass.”
I don’t know where it started from, but I like it, and I think it fits.
For me, I think Braden Hammond’s work, speaks more to me, of what represents the arts in Vancouver… but that is just my singular (and un-informed) opinion.
Make YOUR voice heard, by going on the website, and voting !!!
(And for those of you who know that I’m a scotch drinker, and are wondering why I’m doing this? I heard about this contest on Twitter, and if Absolut Vodka is going to support the Vancouver Arts Scene… by golly, I’ll support Absolut Vodka !!!)
*This is the fine print… Voters have to be over 19, and Absolut Vodka asks you to please use their product responsibly. I ask you to never vote under the influence, or Tweet over a Blood Alcohol level of .08. It is quite fine print, but hopefully still legible. If you can’t read it, either get reading glasses, or STOP getting glasses of Vodka. Thanks to the fine folks at ABSOLUT Vodka for choosing Vancouver for this project. It is the best city in the World. If you live in another city, I won’t debate you, until you move here for five years. At the end of five years, send me an e-mail. Otherwise, I don’t want to hear about your city. In the interest of full disclosure, I am not now, nor have I ever received remuneration either financial or liquid, from any Liquor Company. If ABSOLUT Vodka wants to change that, I will happily re-write this disclaimer, LIKE IT NEVER HAPPENED!!! I just thought it was a cool contest, and with the Olympics going on, is probably having a tough time getting visibility. So I thought my tens* of readers, might like to know about it !!! *Further disclaimer: Yes, my Blog hit a one day total of triple digits recently, but that was a Gift, because, unexpectedly, I Ran in the Pitt Meadows Olympic Torch Relay. This concludes the fine print portion of this post. We now return you to a regular size font.
Cheers !