What Goes up…
To my readers who have been following this blog, I’m sorry to report that today’s activities were MOST anti-climatic !
In a posting on December 15th, I related the antics of my wife and I, in the act of installing our oversize Christmas lights and ornaments in the large Maple tree, outside our house.
Out On A Limb… (Out Of My Tree… Out Of My Mind…)
I am pleased to report that although this time, there was a picture taken, there was no wind, and myself AND all Christmas ornaments were retrieved from the tree top, without incident.
For those who were hoping for a follow up article, with similar histrionics… my sincere apologies, you will have to wait for next year.
The closest we came to drama, was when the time came to separate the light sets into individual strands, from the one giant ball of light strands that I had accumulated when removing them from the various trees, bushes and hedges around our property. 43 sets of lights make a fairly substantial Boy Scout knot… but we were able to overcome this modest setback, and proceed with the rest of our day.
It was a gorgeous day here in Maple Ridge, I hope you got a chance to get out, and enjoy the sunshine !
Sadly, there are significant injuries incurred from installing and taking down Christmas lights. Therefore, in the nature of preventing injuries to self, I leave the lights up all year round!! It is all about safety.
I think it is a combo platter of “better safe than sorry” combined with “safety doesn’t happen by accident” However, my wife says that “discretion is the better part of valour” so down they came !!! LOL
Looking good in that tree!