Friends In Need Food Bank’s Most Wanted

Yesterday, as I was shopping at our local Save-On Foods, I came across a small laminated notice on the shelf, under the Peanut Butter.

The sign was small enough, and the print tiny enough, that it was almost invisible, amongst the bright and gaudy labels on the jars, but as I bent to read it, I thought about how blessed my wife and I are… able to go to the grocery store, and be able to buy whatever we want and need.  The list is from the Friends In Need Food Bank, (supporting Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge) and was a reminder of their most wanted (and needed) items:

  • Campbell’s Soup / Chunky Soup
  • Side dishes (Hearty Noodles, Ramen Noodles)
  • Canned Fish or Meat (salmon, tuna, ham)
  • Prego. Pasta Sauce or Canned Tomatoes
  • Meal in a Tin (Chunky. Chili, stew, pork and beans, ravioli)
  • School Snacks (Goldfish)
  • Pasta & RIce
  • Peanut Butter
  • Meal replacement drinks (Boost)

Friends In Need - Food Bank in Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows -

If you are blessed to have enough food on your table, then the next time you are shopping, why not grab a few of these basics, and share your good fortune with your local food bank ?

If you don’t have the extra money, but you have some time, most Food Banks can always use volunteers.  Why not stop by ?

Or, if you have a few extra dollars, why not share with the food bank, so they can purchase the supplies they need ?

However you help, the folks at the Food Bank are always grateful !!!



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