Fall Fraser Valley Bead Show…
I have written before about this event, and it is back this coming weekend.
October 22 – 24, at the Cascades Casino in Langley, the Fraser Valley Bead Show is here again !!!
For those of you surprised that I get excited about beads…
(I recently commented to someone that I’m not really a “glitter glue” kind of guy)
…but, both Lorie and I make lampwork beads……….. when we have time. 🙂
Anyway, the admission is $7.00
According to the Fraser Valley Bead Show website, there are 48 vendors, and lots of different stuff:
Bling Dynasty, Barrie Edwards, Red Room & Maebeads (just to name a few)
In addition to the Vendors, there are classes you can attend.
Hope to see you there !!!