
Clumsy ?  Check !!!

Uncoordinated ?  Yup !!!

Ungainly ?  Absolutely !!!

I proved all three points, earlier today, when I inserted my newly bandaged finger in a closing drawer.

Having taken some Tylenol, and yelled loud enough that I scared the cats, I am now prepared to involve my Blog followers, as well !

I’m not sure what it is about Sunday nights, but whether I’m working, or “off”… I have never slept well on Sunday nights.

So it was, this morning at 4 am, when I found my way to my desk, to work on some new songwriting marketing that I continued to do throughout the morning.

‘Round about 10 am, I was getting thirsty, so decided to go and put another pot of tea on, and grab a banana.

Those of you who have been faithful to the few previous posts will know that, last Friday, I underwent hand surgery, and have a small planet of bandage wrapped around the ring finger of my right hand.  And, yes, I am right-handed.

So, I go into the cutlery drawer, get a knife, close the drawer, turn to get the the banana, and think, “Oh, I need a spoon, as well.”  Stick my finger back into the drawer… I’m sure you can all see it coming…  just as it closes.

Well, I certainly didn’t need any caffeine for the next few hours.

Tylenol 3 and Motrin... my best friends !!!

Tylenol 3 and Motrin… my best friends !!!

And, my hunger went away too !

I’m now marketing the “Slam Your Finger In The Drawer” sure-fired weight-loss Program !!!

Look out, Jenny Craig !!!

Sheesh… It hurt !!!

(And yes, I said a LOT worse things than “Sheesh” !!!)

Both cats were eventually found, safe but cowering, under the upstairs bed.  They have a tendency to follow anyone who goes into the kitchen… just in case any food falls on the floor, and had been there to witness the self abuse.

I guess I had gotten a little self assured in my attitude, and wasn’t prepared to let the finger surgery slow me down…

Okay, rack one point to the ironic Gods of Karma and their “We’ll show him” campaign… I am officially chastened.

It is now a few hours later… Motrin and Tylenol 3 continue to work their magic, and tea is again called upon, to keep me vertical.

I shall try to be more careful with my recently patched finger… but I fear that it may be the subject of a few more posts, before the bandages come off !

I hope that “wraps it up” for today !!!

I’ll keep you posted !


  1. Heather on February 2, 2010 at 10:49 am

    I heard you in Las Vegas! Must have been what scared the buyers away. Poor Barnum and Bailey! They must have thought their world was comimg to an end!
    please be careful

  2. […] was having some issues with my hand, and so January was given over to hand surgery and the recovery, […]

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