White Rock Arts Council…

I am a few days tardy on this post, but have been a busy boy the last few days !

Last Thursday, February 4th,  my wife and I were invited to White Rock, for an art opening at the White Rock Arts Council –  Public Gallery.

I wasn’t sure what to expect, as I’d never been there before… but we picked up folks along the way, and I was directed to Windsor Square, a medium size Strip mall, on 152nd Street.  I thought we must just be using the parking lot, as it was after shopping hours… but the Gallery is right in the Mall, which is Brilliant!

Bringing the opportunity for Shoppers to support and enjoy the Arts, and at the same time having a “Main Street” venue from which to base their events?  Brilliant!

White Rock Arts Council - Jude Remedios - Gallery Opening - Feb 4th 2010 - BobBlahBlah.com Upon walking into the Gallery Storefront, we were met by our White Rock Arts Council Hosts, who were serving wine, soft drinks and nibblies.

I took a brochure, and was amazed to see that beyond the gallery, the White Rock Arts Council also is extending itself into other areas, as well.  There are a series of Literary Events — the next being on February 25th.  There are also upcoming Music and Film Series, details of which are available on the website at: WhiteRockArtsCouncil.com

The Artist being featured in the Gallery was also in attendance that night, and her works were a study in contrasts and diversity!  Ranging from abstracts to nature-inspired images… I  have heard it said before… I don’t know much about art… but I know what I like… and I like Jude Remedios’s paintings !

She spoke briefly about the process of working on her Art, the different media she uses, and some of the inspiration for a few of the different pieces that were presented that evening.White Rock Arts Council - Jude Remedios - Gallery Opening - Feb 4th 2010 - BobBlahBlah.com

I had brought my camera, but failed to bring any memory cards, so only have a few poor quality Blackberry pictures, which will do nothing to share the intensity or vibrance of her work… but you can find a better representation of Jude Remedios’ artwork, on her website, at www.juderemedios.com

The Gallery Series is on until February 26th.

In addition to the art, the store also has other gifts, posters, bags and t-shirts available for purchase.

The Gallery is located at Windsor Square Mall – 1959 152nd Street, South Surrey.

The Gallery and Shop hours are: Tuesday – Friday from 10 am – 4 pm, and Saturday 11 am – 3pm.

Check it out, there are great things, in store !



Shaw Cable…

There are few things that cause me as much angst as the internet connection being slow, or worse… not working.

In the past few weeks, I’ve been having trouble sleeping, and as a result, waking up in the middle of the night.

When I wake up, I try to go back to sleep, but if it doesn’t happen, I’ll get up and go to my computer.

When the internet doesn’t work at 3 am, it’s rough, because you can’t call and talk to anyone… Because the call will wake up everyone in the house.

By the next morning, it’s inevitably working… So the first time, I wasn’t going to call and say “Well… SURE it’s working NOW !”

My ISP (Internet Service Provider) is Shaw Cable.  They also provide my home phone and cable.  I have always thought their service was good, but this intermittent internet issue was ticking me off.

 Over the next few days, I started paying attention, and on Twitter, quite a few of my Tweeps are talking about how they are trying to get help from Shaw Cable, but having trouble getting a resolution of their issues.

However, after a few nights in a row of the same thing happening, I’m prepared to deal with calling Shaw.


I called, and was waiting about an hour, and after getting through to a Customer Service Rep, and explaining the issue… was told I had reached the wrong extension. When they transferred me to the correct department, I was connected briefly, and then dial tone.


Waited a few days, and a few more problem-filled nights, and then called again. Got the correct department this time, and spent over an hour with their specialist… Plugging and unplugging… Pinging and I can’t remember what else… but in the end, he apologized and said he really didn’t think there was anything he could do.   He said he’d make a note of it, and to please call if it happened again… if possible, when the internet wasn’t working.

I kind of wrote it off, and have been sleeping better, so haven’t gotten up in the middle of the night, for a week or so.

Today, there was a knock on the door.

shaw-logoTurns out it’s Phil from Shaw Cable.

He’s out tromping our neighbourhood in the rain, going door to door, asking folks if they have noticed any issues, and whether there is anything they need.

By the time he got to me, he’s talked to over 50 customers, and he admitted that more than 20 of us have mentioned the slow or dead internet in the evening or night.

So, they’re going to install a new Hub.

We are in an age where, when we have difficulty with something, we call for assistance… wait to speak with someone, and sometimes they can’t help us, but they say they’ll make a note of it… and we say thank you, but realistically in our heart of hearts, we believe that nothing is going to change, because nobody cares.

It was refreshing and reassuring to know that Shaw Cable cared enough to actually make notes about this matter, and have sent someone out to consult, and confirm that there is an issue, and will (we presume and hope) follow through, and act on their findings !

Thanks Shaw Cable for restoring my faith in what I’ve always found to be top notch customer service and care !

Firefly Fine Wines & Ales…

I don’t know what I’m doing.

When it comes to wine pairings… I don’t have a clue.

My usual practice, is to ask our guests if they would like wine with dinner, and if they say yes… to tell them what we are having for dinner, and ask their preference.

However, those days are behind me, because there is now a store to help folks like me, out.

Firefly Logo   Firefly Fine Wines and Ales has opened a store in Maple Ridge, and they organize their wine the traditional way (by Country), and also  by suggested food pairings (chicken, fish, steak, etc).

They are also refreshingly current in Social Media, being present on Twitter and through their Blog.

Of course, they also have a website… http://www.fireflyfinewinesandales.com/

But, in my mind, what sets these folks apart, is their connection with their customers.

I had been in the Maple Ridge store about three weeks after it first opened, and was there on a bit of a fact finding mission.  As regular readers of the BobSongs Blog will know, I like the odd Dram of Scotch, with a predilection for Single Malts.

When I walked in the store, I was struck by the friendly helpful attitude of the staff, and the unique way of organizing the wines.

As I perused the shelves, I was again asked if there was anything they could do to assist me… and as I had almost made my way entirely around the store, I confessed I must have missed the Scotch section, and sure enough, I had… despite being a quite substantial selection.

The lady who guided me suggested that Eliana would be better to assist me, as she knew more about Scotch, and she surely did !

She spent quite a bit of time, asking my likes and dislikes, and discussing with me the different tastes and finishing of some of their selection.

With a lot of information to absorb, I left with my head feeling like I had been drinking, rather than discussing Scotch… but it was a good “buzz” !

A few weeks later, I got this Tweet…

Firefly Tweet announcing a complimentary Scotch tasting on January 15th.

As luck would have it, I was available that evening, and dropped by.  The Robert Burns Scotch was relatively “young”, but mature for its age, and Firefly had brought  in Michelle, a Representative from Blue Note Wines & Spirits, a Distributor, who was very knowledgeable, and delighted to share her information about many different regions, finishes and the resulting Scotches.

When I left that evening, I brought with me a Welsh Whisky, Penderyn Single Malt, with Madeira finish, which I am enjoying tremendously.

They seem to have events and tastings quite regularly… as I write this, there are three coming up in Maple Ridge, in the next while… January 22nd, 23rd & 24th.

Next time you are wondering what to get, whether it be Wine, Beer or Spirits, I suggest stopping by Firefly Fine Wines and Spirits to see What’s In Store !

For selection, product knowledge, and customer care with that little bit extra…  I think they are pretty tough to beat !!!

Firefly Fine Wines and Spirits is located at 21755 Lougheed Highway in Maple Ridge.

Check it out, next time you drive by!



David’s Tea…

For a substantial portion of my life, I ran a Store.

Now, wherever I go, I am blessed and cursed with a hyper-awareness of retail situations.

David's TeaI’ve prevented shoplifting, gotten assistance for cashiers who were swamped, and written letters of commendation, when exceptional service is given.

One example of an amazing retail experience came this week, when I ventured into the Kitsilano store of David’s Tea.

I am frequently on Twitter, and have had a number of conversations with people about various beverages.  In one of those conversations, when the subject was tea, it was recommended that I should find my way to David’s Tea.

So, earlier this week, when I unexpectedly found myself in Vancouver, with a few hours to kill… it struck me that I should search this business out.

Through their website, www.DavidsTea.com  I found the store on the corner of 4th and Yew, in Kitsilano.  (Although there are locations throughout Ontario, and more locations apparently imminent.)

The store was very tidy, white and bright, with upbeat music playing softly enough to not be intrusive to conversation.

I was greeted politely when I stepped through the door, and the woman behind the counter came to personally greet me, as soon as she had finished with the customer she was serving.

She could doubtlessly tell from my overwhelmed expression that I had not visited them before, and as she handed me a complimentary sample of the Day’s Tea Blend, I confirmed it.

She gave me a tour of the store, explaining first, the various infusers, and then taking me through the vast selection of the Teas themself.

The loose teas are all stored in metal cannisters with sealed lids, and as she gave me their Tea Menu, she explained that their teas are organized into Groupings: Black, Green, Blooming Tea Flowers, Herbal, Maté, Oolong, Rooibis, and White Teas, (as well as various sub-groupings) which are clearly marked on the outside of the tins, with big letters and colour coded by group.

The tea is sold by weight, with prices on the Menu.  Smaller batches are sold in resealable bags, and larger amounts can be bought in smaller versions of the store’s tins.

David's Tea - Vancouver Location

David's Tea - Vancouver Location

(They also sell their products online, through their website.)

The fragrant Blends of Teas all have quite distinct frangrances, and are also available for purchase by the cup… for take-out, or to test a flavour of tea, in advance of a purchase.

As I’m writing this, I’m enjoying a large mug of Assam Banaspaty Black Tea, which (for example) is described on the menu as being: (Organic, reserve) From India’s famed Banaspaty Estate, this fair-trade Assam has a good malty body and impressive, full complexity.  

There are two counters by the windows, a selection of newspapers, many stools, and a complimentary wireless internet connection available… and I could see that on a busy Saturday morning, you might have to arrive early to stake out your spot !

Whether you are an ardent fan of Tea, or just an occasional sipper, I would advise you to head to West 4th Avenue in Kitsilano, and talk to the folks at David’s Tea.  They have the right stuff to fill up your cup, and lots of friendly knowledgeable staff to help you on your Tea journey !

Cheers !!!