Carla Zilbersmith… Look Out Heaven…
Some of you may have read a while back, a post I wrote about Carla Zilbersmith… I went to school with her.
After school, she left for the bright lights and stages of California… she was successful, being both funny and a natural singer/performer… she got married and had a son Mac… and then she got ALS… Lou Gehrig’s Disease.
Late last week, her son Mac, who has taken over the writing on the CarlaMuses Blog, announced on Facebook that Carla was nearing the end of her journey…
Carla…”is sleeping now, and likely won’t wake up again. You don’t have to be in pain anymore, Mom.”
I don’t have a point, and have nothing to add.
I’ve just been looking at their Blog entries, and am stunned at the courage, humour and honesty, with which both Carla and her mature-beyond-his-years son faced down a horrible disease…
It will certainly kill her, but the disease NEVER took the life from her.
Look out Heaven… there is a wild redhead coming your way, and she is gonna cause a ruckus !!!